
How to Improve Family Communication:
Fridge Talk

So many how-to books provide advice on communicating with your children as they “mature” into their teenage years. They speak earnestly of Family Dinner Night and reflective listening.

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk was only the first of such books I read during the years in which I thought one could learn parenting from something other than cold, hard reality and a zillion mistakes you catch on to only when it is far, far too late to change anything.

In this age of texting, though, asynchronous communication with bonus points for smart-ass-ness seems like a much better recipe for success.

Our family realized at some point after buying a house with stainless steel appliances that the refrigerator provides a great medium. A few dry-erase markers and voilรก: communication!

I don’t even have to see my teen-aged daughters—and believe me, I rarely do—to have a charming exchange that demonstrates the closeness of our bonds.

Take this one, for example. A few days ago I wrote on the top of the left-hand panel:

The bicycle has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world.” – Susan B. Anthony

Dear Eldest Daughter responded:

What about that whole right to vote thing? Hell, even pants. Just a thought.


Cycling created the need for pants (bloomers) & freed women from dependence on men for transportation so they could get to the suffrage meetings J

Eldest Daughter:


Score one for heartwarming mother/daughter talks.

1 comment:

  1. That Kate--she's a real knee slapper!
    Today's exchange via text:

    Me: Soup's on!
    Her: Maybe I'll have a soupcon.


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