
Adventures in Eating: Whether Vegan or Omnivore There's a List for You

I first saw the vegan version of this Vegan 100 list on Girl Goes Vegan, who borrowed it from someone who borrowed it from someone.... You know how these things are. 

That sent me in search of the original Omnivore's 100 on the Very Good Taste blog. As Jill and Andrew, the creators of the list, wrote there, "The list includes fine food, strange food, everyday food and even some pretty bad food—but a good omnivore should really try it all."

The vegan list as published left some things on it from the original (like haggis!) so I deleted the stray meat items and made it 100% vegetarian/vegan.

I've been a vegetarian for I don't quite know how long--maybe eight or nine years? Before that I had the chance to try some unusual things at the North Idaho College annual Wild Game Feast and at a dinner prepared by the Idaho Outfitters and Guides Association back in my legislative days. So I'm able to score pretty well on both lists thanks to my former life as an omnivore. (In fact, they don't list bear meat on the omnivore's list but I've had it. It's better in years the bears get lots of berries and honey.)

Your mission, should you choose to accept it:
1) Copy this list into your own blog, including these instructions.
2) Bold all the items you’ve eaten.
3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating.
4) What’s left are things you have not eaten yet that you would try.

(I note that my blog's style sheet makes the links look as if they're in boldface when they're not.)

The Vegan 100
  1. Natto
  2. Green Smoothie
  3. Tofu Scramble
  4. Agave nectar
  5. Mangosteen
  6. Creme brulee
  7. Fondue
  8. Marmite/Vegemite
  9. Borscht
  10. Baba ghanoush
  11. Nachos
  12. Authentic soba noodles
  13. PB&J sandwich
  14. Aloo gobi
  15. Taco from a street cart (yes, if they have a vegetarian option)
  16. Boba tea
  17. Black truffle (can't wait!)
  18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
  19. Gyoza
  20. Vanilla ice cream
  21. Heirloom tomatoes
  22. Fresh wild berries
  23. Rice and beans
  24. Knish
  25. Raw scotch bonnet pepper  (because I'm not crazy and I've read about Scoville units)
  26. Dulce de leche
  27. Baklava
  28. Pate (vegetarian, yes; diced fatty liver, no thanks)
  29. Wasabi peas (yum!) 
  30. Chowder in a sourdough bowl
  31. Mango lassi
  32. Sauerkraut
  33. Root beer float
  34. Mulled cider
  35. Scones with buttery spread and jam
  36. Vodka jelly
  37. Gumbo (without meat)
  38. Fast food french fries
  39. Raw brownies
  40. Fresh Garbanzo Beans
  41. Dahl (also spelled dal)
  42. Homemade soymilk
  43. Wine from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
  44. Stroopwafel (these sound delicious!)
  45. Samosas
  46. Vegetable Sushi
  47. Glazed doughnut
  48. Seaweed
  49. Prickly pear
  50. Umeboshi (I haven't had the fruit yet but I've had the vinegar made from it)
  51. Tofurkey
  52. Sheese (I haven't had this particular brand but I've had fake cheese, which is why I'm a vegetarian and not a vegan)
  53. Cotton candy
  54. Gnocchi
  55. PiƱa colada
  56. Birch beer
  57. Carob chips
  58. S’mores
  59. Soy curls (kind of leathery and not worth it)
  60. Chickpea cutlets
  61. Curry
  62. Durian
  63. Homemade Sausages (vegan/vegetarian)
  64. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake
  65. Smoked tofu
  66. Fried plantain
  67. Mochi
  68. Gazpacho
  69. Warm chocolate chip cookies
  70. Absinthe
  71. Corn on the cob
  72. Whipped cream, straight from the can
  73. Pomegranate
  74. Fauxstess cupcake (what a fun recipe! memories of childhood)
  75. Mashed potatoes with gravy (I have a great vegetarian gravy recipe from my 3 Bowls cookbook)
  76. Jerky (vegetarian/vegan)
  77. Croissants
  78. French onion soup (it is entirely possible to make a wonderful, rich French onion soup without meat stock. I've done it.)
  79. Savory crepes (again thanks to the 3 Bowls cookbook, I have a recipe for crepes made with chickpea flour stuffed with garlicky green beans)
  80. Moussaka
  81. Sprouted grains or seeds
  82. Macaroni and “cheese”
  83. Flowers
  84. Matzoh ball soup (vegetarian/vegan)
  85. White chocolate
  86. Seitan
  87. Kimchi
  88. Butterscotch chips
  89. Yellow watermelon
  90. Chili with chocolate
  91. Potato milk
  92. Polenta
  93. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee
  94. Raw cookie dough
  95. Portabello mushrooms
  96. Morels
  97. Black rice
  98. Sun-dried tomatoes
  99. Bagels
  100. Capers
The VGT Omnivore’s Hundred
  1. Venison
  2. Nettle tea
  3. Huevos rancheros
  4. Steak tartare
  5. Crocodile
  6. Black pudding (aka blood pudding)
  7. Cheese fondue
  8. Carp
  9. Borscht
  10. Baba ghanoush
  11. Calamari
  12. Pho
  13. PB&J sandwich
  14. Aloo gobi
  15. Hot dog from a street cart
  16. Epoisses
  17. Black truffle
  18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
  19. Steamed pork buns
  20. Pistachio ice cream
  21. Heirloom tomatoes
  22. Fresh wild berries
  23. Foie gras
  24. Rice and beans
  25. Brawn, or head cheese
  26. Raw Scotch Bonnet pepper (see note above about Scoville units!)
  27. Dulce de leche
  28. Oysters
  29. Baklava
  30. Bagna cauda (if they'll leave out the anchovies I'll give it a try)
  31. Wasabi peas
  32. Clam chowder in a sourdough bowl
  33. Salted lassi (I've only had the sweet mango lassi)
  34. Sauerkraut
  35. Root beer float
  36. Cognac with a fat cigar (I've had cognac and I've tried a cigar--just not together)
  37. Clotted cream tea
  38. Vodka jelly/Jell-O
  39. Gumbo
  40. Oxtail
  41. Curried goat
  42. Whole insects (my dad told us he'd eaten chocolate-covered ants and grasshoppers while he was overseas during World War II; he said the legs stick in your teeth)
  43. Phaal (although it sounds vegetarian I think I'll pass; see Scoville units reference above)
  44. Goat’s milk
  45. Malt whisky from a bottle worth £60/$120 or more
  46. Fugu (being a vegetarian means not having to eat potentially poisonous fish)
  47. Chicken tikka masala
  48. Eel
  49. Krispy Kreme original glazed doughnut
  50. Sea urchin
  51. Prickly pear
  52. Umeboshi
  53. Abalone
  54. Paneer (I had truly fresh homemade paneer, no less, thanks to dear friend Maggie teaching an Indian cooking class in my kitchen for a bunch of girlfriends)
  55. McDonald’s Big Mac Meal
  56. Spaetzle
  57. Dirty gin martini (just not a big fan of olives)
  58. Beer above 8% ABV
  59. Poutine
  60. Carob chips
  61. S’mores
  62. Sweetbreads
  63. Kaolin (well, as it's an ingredient in Kaopectate I guess in a way I have, but not directly!)
  64. Currywurst
  65. Durian
  66. Frogs’ legs
  67. Beignets, churros, elephant ears or funnel cake
  68. Haggis
  69. Fried plantain
  70. Chitterlings, or andouillette
  71. Gazpacho
  72. Caviar and blini
  73. Louche absinthe
  74. Gjetost, or brunost
  75. Roadkill
  76. Baijiu
  77. Hostess Fruit Pie (heck, in those lunches Mom packed I encountered many a Hostess product: Twinkies, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs, cupcakes)
  78. Snail
  79. Lapsang souchong
  80. Bellini
  81. Tom yum (if I can get a vegetarian version, yes)
  82. Eggs Benedict
  83. Pocky
  84. Tasting menu at a three-Michelin-star restaurant.
  85. Kobe beef
  86. Hare (but I've had rabbit)
  87. Goulash
  88. Flowers
  89. Horse
  90. Criollo chocolate
  91. Spam
  92. Soft shell crab
  93. Rose harissa (but watch the Scovilles....)
  94. Catfish
  95. Mole poblano
  96. Bagel and lox
  97. Lobster Thermidor
  98. Polenta
  99. Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee
  100. Snake
Your turn

What isn't on either list that you think a well-rounded palate should experience? Any stories about adventures in eating? 

P.S. Given the number of links to Wikipedia on this page, we all might consider making a donation!

1 comment:

  1. Comment from Facebook friend:
    Being married to an Australian, I have tasted vegemite. Must say it is an acquired taste, and one I choose not to acquire. It tastes like you're eating a spoonful of beef bouillon. (Her husband) is the only who will eat it.
    I always took it to the kids school on Dr Seuss' birthday when I would read then an Australian children's book. All were gung ho to taste it, but had very few ask for seconds.


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