
Olympia, Seattle, Spokane

Olympia Posts

We moved to Olympia in fall of 2020. Since that was in the earlier days of the pandemic with no vaccine available we stayed close to home except for walks, takeout, and groceries selected online and picked up curbside. We're still getting to know our new hometown as life has opened back up a bit.
Seattle Posts

I moved to Seattle July 31, 2012, for a career opportunity in a city I had visited often without getting to know much beyond Pike Place Market, really. Within four years I lived in downtown, Lake City in northeast Seattle, and finally Top Hat, a neighborhood near White Center south of downtown. I worked first in Pioneer Square, then at Magnuson Park, and then back in Pioneer Square when I changed jobs.

Most of the posts in my first few years are about biking in the city. Make that all of them, actually. I didn't plug into or write about other local topics the way I did in Spokane. Running a statewide nonprofit had me either on the road or fundraising (or both) too much to leave time for civic participation as a volunteer.
Spokane Posts

I really love Spokane, where I lived for many years. I'm a booster--but not completely uncritical. A lot of these posts praise Spokane, while a few look at ways in which the place could do better as a community. I wrote a few Spokane posts after I moved to Seattle.

For a kaleidoscopic view of Spokane, check out the list of Spokane blogs I created. I haven't done any maintenance on it since early 2012 so I expect dead links and it's incomplete, but it may point you to some more current writing than mine.

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