
Not a Bucket List, Not Resolutions, Not Really

I don't think we need resolutions in the dead of winter. Who wants to start something new now, in the season of hot chocolate, warm fires and fuzzy blankets?

Resolution season should be in fall with new back-to-school supplies. Or in spring with the bright yet fragile green of buds unfurling.

So these are not resolutions. Nor are they entries on a bucket list. I find the idea of checking things off before I die more grim than motivating, as if life is a series of things on a to-do list.

They're things I think would be interesting to learn or experience someday. If I happen to do them and if I remember this blog entry I'll come back and add the date. Some obviously require far more commitment, funds or time than others. These aren't arranged in order of likelihood or priority--they're random.

  • Make sushi
  • Ride in a hot-air balloon
  • Have a radio show
  • Skydive
  • Ride my bike through Italy. Or maybe France. Possibly England. All three. I'm going to note for the record that while I didn't ride through Denmark, I did bike in Copenhagen August 2019 on a study trip.
  • Or just ride my bike on an epic biking tour somewhere in the US. Done! 2017 Great Allegheny Passage + C&O Canal Towpath, then 2018 Washington state tour
  • Scuba dive
  • Make cheese
  • Watch 100 classic movies
  • Bungy jump
  • Go to Alaska
  • Take a sabbatical
  • Raft down the Grand Canyon
  • Find my maternal grandmother’s family home in England. I'm not going to count the Google satellite view that let me look at it; I mean actually going there.
  • Sew a quilt
  • Learn to change a tire on a car (which I can do on my bike--much easier!)
  • Write a book (technically, I wrote one for the North Idaho Centennial celebration, but I mean a real book with characters, plot, all that jazz.)
  • Learn some form of martial arts
  • Do a handstand
  • Start a business. Done! I ran Bike Style Spokane as a pop-up bike fashion retail business/side gig starting in 2010. I had to wind it down after moving to Seattle to become executive director of Washington Bikes. That's really another thing that could have been on this list: "Run a nonprofit doing work I believe in" has been a career goal for a big chunk of my life.
What are your "maybe I'll do this someday" items?

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