
2010 Blogging Year in Review

A round-up of my 2010 blogging year just for the heck of it:

Wordle: BiketoWork Barb
What I wrote about in 2010
(click for larger image)
Top post traffic:
  • The Spokane Blogs list. Not surprising this one has over twice the views of anything else on the site since I keep pimping it out promoting it via Twitter, Facebook, LaunchPadINW and the signature block in my personal account to find more blogs via crowd-sourcing. I started with 105; the list is up to 237 as of Jan. 1, 2011.
  • Help Bike Shop Girl Ride Again. I'm really glad to see this one getting lots of page views as a gesture of support for a bike-riding woman I've never met who was hit by a driver and needs encouragement to get back on the street.
  • How Bikes Can Save the World. A transcript of my 5-minute speed talk at Ignite Spokane in September that reveals some of the (ahem) less worthy reasons I ride.
Top post comments: A tie between said trying-to-be-comprehensive list of Spokane blogs and I'm Part Dutch, You Know: What Do YOU Wear to Bike? which was almost my shortest post ever (hey, maybe brevity is the soul of wit).

Runners-up in the comment race:
Posts I thought would get more comments:
Posts I'm especially proud or fond of ("of which I am especially proud/fond," grammar police officers Eldest Daughter and Second Daughter would say):
Number of posts in 2010: 54--nearly twice what I did in each of the two previous years. But when I launched in August 2008 I was putting out an average of five posts per month and my all-time high month was January 2009 with nine posts.

If I kept up with my initial pace or that burst of creativity last January, I'd be posting 60-108 posts per year. So I'm doing more but am somehow still a slacker, which doesn't seem fair.

Top traffic sources in order:
  • Facebook
  • Google
  • Twitter
  • LaunchPad (that blog list link)
  • LinkedIn
  • DeathbyCar (where I commented and posted a link to my "ownership" post linked above)
  • My own blog (seems weird this is in the stats, but I do crosslink relevant posts)
  • BikeShopGirl (related to that post that's in my top three views for the year)
  • StumbleUpon (here are my favorites on StumbleUpon, which I don't remember to use very often)
Blogging resolutions for 2011
  • Get on a more consistent posting schedule, which will be tricky since I plan to launch a second blog sometime in mid-January
  • Keep tweeting, Facebooking and using social media in general
  • Remember to StumbleUpon other people's posts I like, since that does generate traffic for them
Your turn

Did you comment on this blog sometime this year? What makes you think a post is worth commenting on or sharing with someone else?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I can lend you a hand with encouragment/ideas/inspiration/motivation for writing more often!!

    you know how to find me... I'm ready when you are!


Comments are like karma. The more you give, the more you receive. (Spam is like karma too.)