
The Kitten Chronicles, Year One

When we brought the little fuzzball home I naturally tweeted out a pic of our newest family member. And then another. And then another.

And the next day.

And a couple of days later.

Thus the Kitten Chronicles were born: a thread of tweets with pictures and stories about the fuzzball who became Tiggs short for Tigger in about 3 days.

Along the way a dropped phone and some backup file kerfuffles meant I lost the original images. And now Twitter appears to be in its death throes thanks to a spoiled, pouty billionaire who bought it and proceeded to drive it into a ditch, so my sole source of kitty photo memories could disappear.

Not if I can help it! I'm grabbing screen captures and building blog posts to chronicle the chronicles. I'll embed the tweets but those could vanish so I'm also saving those screen grabs in case I have to swap them in later. Herewith, the first year with the adoptee from the King County Animal Shelter who has become such a big part of our lives.

The Tigger YouTube video I shared in that tweet

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