
The Kitten Chronicles, Year Two

Continuing with my capture of The Cuteness That Is Tiggs, Year 2. Year 1 gave you the first dose of kitty cuteness.

I managed not to flag the first tweet of Year 2 correctly but I'm capturing it correctly here. "Year Two" definition, by the way, is based on the Tiggs Year (TY), which begins on July 13 of each year and ends on July 12 of the next year.

We have a long, long list of nicknames he has acquired along the way: Tiggalicious, the Tiggmeister, Mr. Stripey Pants, the Tiggalator, Hall Monitor (when he braces himself to pounce in the hall), and many, many more. The latest is Quick Paw McClaw, or Quick Claw McPaw. Both seem to work. 

That's our sweet Kitters Boy! 


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