
The Kitten Chronicles, Year Three

 Year One, Tiggs was our little fuzzball growing growing growing.

Year Two, Tiggs turned into a teenager.

Partway through Year Three, Tiggs has turned into a somewhat grouchy, sometimes cuddly cat. Lack of human contact beyond us as his adoptive parents in the first year under COVID conditions probably affected his socialization in ways I couldn't have anticipated, as I've never had an unfriendly cat before.

I also note that I did what so many parents do, which is to take lots of pictures early and then slack off as they get older.

I recorded some of our nicknames for him. We've had a ton of fun with this.

  • Mr. Stripey Pants (I think this was his very first nickname)
  • The Tiggmeister
  • Little Man
  • Buddy Boy
  • The 6-inch Tsunami
  • The 8-inch Avalanche
  • The 10-inch Tornado (he kept growing)
  • Poophead (most frequent, if we were logging usage)
  • Tiggalator
  • Mr. Tiggs
  • Butthole (catbox reference)
  • Master Blaster, Master Bottom Blaster (another catbox-cleaning refernece)
  • Meow Mix
  • Cute Boots
  • Boo Cat (associated with a particular leaping movement on hind legs, front paws outstretched like a Scooby-Doo ghost)
  • The Stripiest
  • The Paunchy Predator
  • Catnip Evermean
  • Fur Face
  • Killer Kitten with Murder Mittens (coined during our move from Seattle to Olympia)
  • Kitty Boy
  • Pounce and Bounce
  • Mr. Investigator
  • The Merino Muncher (because he chews holes in my clothes like a giant Mothra)
  • Floor Shark
  • Ankle Shark
  • Paunchy Boy
  • Striperino
  • Striperoneous
  • Paunchus
  • Stripeness Everpoop
  • Poop Noggin (classing up Poophead a bit)

For more on the reference to a broken hand, a post on my broken wrist

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