
The Kitten Chronicles, Year Three

 Year One, Tiggs was our little fuzzball growing growing growing.

Year Two, Tiggs turned into a teenager.

Partway through Year Three, Tiggs has turned into a somewhat grouchy, sometimes cuddly cat. Lack of human contact beyond us as his adoptive parents in the first year under COVID conditions probably affected his socialization in ways I couldn't have anticipated, as I've never had an unfriendly cat before.

I also note that I did what so many parents do, which is to take lots of pictures early and then slack off as they get older.

I recorded some of our nicknames for him. We've had a ton of fun with this.

  • Mr. Stripey Pants (I think this was his very first nickname)
  • The Tiggmeister
  • Little Man
  • Buddy Boy
  • The 6-inch Tsunami
  • The 8-inch Avalanche
  • The 10-inch Tornado (he kept growing)
  • Poophead (most frequent, if we were logging usage)
  • Tiggalator
  • Mr. Tiggs
  • Butthole (catbox reference)
  • Master Blaster, Master Bottom Blaster (another catbox-cleaning refernece)
  • Meow Mix
  • Cute Boots
  • Boo Cat (associated with a particular leaping movement on hind legs, front paws outstretched like a Scooby-Doo ghost)
  • The Stripiest
  • The Paunchy Predator
  • Catnip Evermean
  • Fur Face
  • Killer Kitten with Murder Mittens (coined during our move from Seattle to Olympia)
  • Kitty Boy
  • Pounce and Bounce
  • Mr. Investigator
  • The Merino Muncher (because he chews holes in my clothes like a giant Mothra)
  • Floor Shark
  • Ankle Shark
  • Paunchy Boy
  • Striperino
  • Striperoneous
  • Paunchus
  • Stripeness Everpoop
  • Poop Noggin (classing up Poophead a bit)

For more on the reference to a broken hand, a post on my broken wrist

The Kitten Chronicles, Year Two

Continuing with my capture of The Cuteness That Is Tiggs, Year 2. Year 1 gave you the first dose of kitty cuteness.

I managed not to flag the first tweet of Year 2 correctly but I'm capturing it correctly here. "Year Two" definition, by the way, is based on the Tiggs Year (TY), which begins on July 13 of each year and ends on July 12 of the next year.

We have a long, long list of nicknames he has acquired along the way: Tiggalicious, the Tiggmeister, Mr. Stripey Pants, the Tiggalator, Hall Monitor (when he braces himself to pounce in the hall), and many, many more. The latest is Quick Paw McClaw, or Quick Claw McPaw. Both seem to work. 

That's our sweet Kitters Boy! 


The Kitten Chronicles, Year One

When we brought the little fuzzball home I naturally tweeted out a pic of our newest family member. And then another. And then another.

And the next day.

And a couple of days later.

Thus the Kitten Chronicles were born: a thread of tweets with pictures and stories about the fuzzball who became Tiggs short for Tigger in about 3 days.

Along the way a dropped phone and some backup file kerfuffles meant I lost the original images. And now Twitter appears to be in its death throes thanks to a spoiled, pouty billionaire who bought it and proceeded to drive it into a ditch, so my sole source of kitty photo memories could disappear.

Not if I can help it! I'm grabbing screen captures and building blog posts to chronicle the chronicles. I'll embed the tweets but those could vanish so I'm also saving those screen grabs in case I have to swap them in later. Herewith, the first year with the adoptee from the King County Animal Shelter who has become such a big part of our lives.

The Tigger YouTube video I shared in that tweet