Reruns: October Posts Worth Revisiting

October is such a beautiful month everywhere I've lived. Golden days, blue skies, crispy leaves with their myriad shapes, colors, and sizes. And yes, some dark, wet days of rain and grey skies, but I'll choose to remember the sun as we turn the corner toward winter.

Compiling these visits to the archives takes me down memory lane. This is a selective list, skipping over posts that felt more specific to a time, place, or event. 

I'm listing only the first post of the big bike tour my Sweet Hubs and I took in 2017; you'll find links to the rest of the posts along the Great Allegheny Passage and C&O Canal Towpath trip that add up to 366 miles over 10 days and a lot of fun! I wrote a lot of posts one year with a lot of bike advice and I'm not rounding all that up here, since you can spend time on my bike blog if you want more of that.

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