I'll get to that work business, but first, I'll lay out my many other influences, roles, and passions, all of which inspire and inform my blog posts (when I get around to writing them).
- parent (step for 2) to 4 great young adults in their 20s and 30s and former stepmom to 3 more;
- wife and partner to the great love of my life, @EricRacesBikes (who veeerrry sporadically used to write a bike training/racing blog and now is more interested in his radio-controlled flying hobby and training for a someday attempt at the Pacific Coast Bike Race);
- someone who fundamentally believes that the world is a better place when we treat each other first and foremost as human beings with unique and multiple identities (instead of as ideologies or forms of transportation or any other label) and apply big doses of kindness, humor, and reasonably good manners, along with a reminder of what happens when we assume;
- bike commuter even in the rain and cold because riding makes me so much happier than not riding, rider of transit when the bike needs a boost, driver as seldom as possible, train + bike traveler whenever the opportunity presents itself, occasional traveler by air with a folding bike, walker;
- good cook of dessert-ish treats and vegetarian/vegan comfort food, voracious reader (historical novels, literary fiction, science fiction and fantasy, nonfiction on interesting slices of thought and time, and a surprisingly large number of works having to do with the zombie apocalypse), lover of movies, knitter, occasional game player with my family when I can get enough of them rounded up and sat down (Pente, Parcheesi, Bananagrams, Settlers of Catan, Tsuro, Monopoly, others);
- @BarbChamberlain on BlueSky: This will be my primary sharing space for information as of November 2024;
- Mastodon @BarbChamberlain@toot.community: Started in late 2022, mostly sharing poetry, recipes, and a bit about transportation there;
- @BarbChamberlain on Twitter; Where I used to share the most content/information, most of it about transportation, and I'm only maintaining the account for access to my archived notes because the pouty billionaire who purchased it destroyed it as a community space;
- LinkedIn: I don't accept invitations to connect from people I haven't actually worked with in some way; you're welcome to read my resume!
- Facebook: I don't accept friend invitations with very rare exceptions; you're welcome to follow my profile to see the things I post publicly, which is apt to include links to blog posts, recipes, and an occasional article or poem I want to share;
- writer at Bike Style Life, where you'll find my bike writing on everything from policy to the quest for the perfect pants for bicycling, Twitter @BikeStyleLife and Facebook although to be honest I don't remember to post in the blog name very often;
- founder of the Women Bike Blogs list. finding and highlighting links to blogs by biking women from around the worldon Twitter as @WomenBikeBlogs and on the Facebook page (similarly neglected);
- resident of Olympia as of September 2020, which followed the "Seattle era" August 2012-November 2017 after many years in Spokane and Idaho before that and back and forth Washington/Idaho;
- as of March 1, 2017, the first Director of a newly created Active Transportation in the Washington State Dept. of Transportation (not so new any more);
- which followed serving as a leader in bike advocacy, first as Executive Director of Washington Bikes, then as Chief Strategic Officer of Washington Bikes and Cascade Bicycle Club after leading us into this merger to create the nation's largest bicycle nonprofit;
- before that, a director of communications and public affairs in higher education for many years at WSU Spokane;
- before that, the youngest woman ever elected to the Idaho House and Senate (going waaaay back);
- and even before THAT, I worked at a regional history publishing firm and helped put out two of Washington state's official Centennial publications;
- and when asked to describe my career in six words I captured it with this: Always doing work I believe in.
Herewith, a reverse chronological list of posts on this blog, on my bike/transportation-focused blog Bike Style, a few from the WSDOT blog now that I work there, plenty from the Washington Bikes blog over the years I worked there, and guest posts elsewhere. Check out the other page tabs on the blog if you want to find posts by topic.
- Bike Delights (Bike Style, March 15, 2025)
- Gracefully, Gratefully: More Poems on Aging (March 13, 2025)
- Thoughts on Community Engagement Thanks to Picking Berries (Bike Style, March 9, 2025)
- February Delights (Feb. 28, 2025)
- Moving Right Along: Transportation Poems (Bike Style, Feb. 23, 2025)
- "Sweet Harvest" (Feb. 22, 2025)
- Canstravaganza! Food Preservation 2024 (Feb. 15, 2025)
- I'm a Citizen of the CaffeineNation (Feb. 8, 2025)
- January Delights (Jan. 31, 2025)
- Snicker Snicker Snickerdoodles, Made with Almond Flour (Jan. 26, 2025)
- My Bad—Or Was It? (Bike Style, Jan. 26, 2025)
- Actions You Can Take for Active Transportation: Following a Bill (Bike Style, Jan. 12, 2025)
- Hey Honey: Poems About Bees (Jan. 11, 2025)
- Actions You Can Take for Active Transportation: Contacting State Legislators (Bike Style, Jan. 3, 2025)
- New Year Ahead (Bike Style, Jan. 1, 2025)
- 2024 in Review: Blogging and a Bit More (Dec. 31, 2024)
- Winter Solstice 2024 (Dec. 21, 2024)
- How Many Minutes (by Bike) Is Your Neighborhood? (Bike Style, Dec. 7, 2024)
- Actions You Can Take for Active Transportation: Homework (Bike Style, Dec. 1, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: December (Dec. 1, 2024)
- Thanks + Giving (Nov. 29, 2024)
- Blackberry Apple Chutney Recipe (Nov. 24, 2024)
- A Dusty Collection: Poems about Dust (Nov. 16, 2024)
- Riding in the Rain, Wheeling through Winter: Bike Gear DEFGs (to follow the ABCs) (Bike Style, Nov. 11, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: November (Nov. 1, 2024)
- Green Tomatoes. So Many Green Tomatoes. (Oct. 20, 2024)
- Keep It Growing: Poems about Gardening (Oct. 5, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: October (Oct. 1, 2024)
- Apples, Apples, Apples! (Sept. 29, 2024)
- Zucchini Tomato Salsa (Everyone Needs Salsa, or, What to Do with a Really Giant Zucchini) (Sept. 22, 2024)
- Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes! (Sept. 21, 2024)
- Pears, Pears, Pears! (Sept. 14, 2024)
- Future Marmalade (Sept. 8, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: September (Sept. 1, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: August (Aug. 1, 2024)
- Reruns: July Posts Worth Revisiting (July 13, 2024)
- Classic All-Bran/Bran Buds Muffin Recipe: Best Bran Muffins Ever (July 5, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: July (July 1, 2024)
- If Electric Hand Dryers Were Bicycles (Bike Style, June 24, 2024)
- Summer Solstice Readings (June 20, 2024)
- Reruns: June Posts worth Revisiting (June 15, 2024)
- Still Walking, More Poetry (Bike Style, June 14, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: June (June 1, 2024)
- Bike/Life Lessons Learned (Bike Style, May 25, 2024)
- Reruns: May Posts Worth Revisiting (May 11, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: May (May 1, 2024)
- How #30DaysOfBiking Rolled in 2024 (Bike Style, April 30, 2024)
- Earth Day Poems for Every Day (April 22, 2024)
- Earth Day Market Ride 2024 (Bike Style, April 20, 2024)
- Reruns: April Posts Worth Revisiting (April 13, 2024)
- Go Ahead, Make My Day (Bike Style, April 10, 2024)
- Celebrate National Poetry Month (April 1, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: April (April 1, 2024)
- Just Ride. Every Day. It's That Simple. (Bike Style, March 30, 2024)
- A Thrilling Night (Bike Style, March 17, 2024)
- Reruns: March Posts Worth Revisiting (March 16, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: March (March 1, 2024)
- Bike Books I Recommend: Women on Wheels (Bike Style, March 1, 2024)
- Seeing and other Ways of Knowing (Feb. 24, 2024)
- How We Get Where We're Going: Transportation Poems (Bike Style, Feb. 17, 2024)
- Reruns: February Posts Worth Revisiting (Feb. 10, 2024)
- No Thanks for No Sidewalks! (Bike Style, Feb. 7, 2024)
- Shared Streets: A Vision (Bike Style, Feb. 3, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: February (Feb. 1, 2024)
- Thank Heavens for Kind Strangers and Transit (Bike Style, Jan. 27, 2024)
- Reruns: January Posts Worth Revisiting (Jan. 19, 2024)
- Slow Down (Jan. 12, 2024)
- First Ride of 2024 (Bike Style, Jan. 11, 2024)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: January (Bike Style, Jan. 7, 2024)
- The Rocker, Refinished (Jan. 5, 2024)
- A Year of Poems: January (Jan. 1, 2024)
- 2023 in Review: Blogging and a Bit More (Dec. 31, 2023)
- 2023 Greatest Hits (And Ones That Should Be) (Bike Style, Dec.31, 2023)
- Walking in December: Of Mosses and Memories (Dec. 26, 2023)
- Winter Solstice Readings and More (Dec. 21, 2023)
- What I Stand For (Dec. 15, 2023)
- Bike Books I Recommend: Art, Cartoons, Deep Thoughts, Miscellany (Bike Style, Dec. 11, 2023)
- Reruns: December Posts Worth Revisiting (Dec. 9, 2023)
- The Quotidian: Poems Celebrating the Everyday, the Ordinary (Dec. 2, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: December (Bike Style, Dec. 1, 2023)
- Walking in November: Of Perspectives and Pavement (Nov. 29, 2023)
- Bike Song Playlist: Tunes to Get You Rolling (Bike Style, Nov. 18, 2023)
- #Coffeeneuring 2023: Success! (Bike Style, Nov. 10, 2023)
- Reruns: November Posts Worth Revisiting (Nov. 4, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: November (Bike Style, Nov. 1, 2023)
- Remember What Uncle Ben Said (WSDOT blog, Oct. 30, 2023)
- It Beats the Alternative: Poems on Growing Older (Oct. 28, 2023)
- Walking Poems (Bike Style, Oct. 26, 2023)
- Walking in October: Of Travel and Timers (Oct. 24, 2023)
- Coffeeneuring 2011-2022: My Track Record for Bike Rides to Coffee Just Because (bike Style, Oct. 14, 2023)
- #Coffeeneuring Is Rolling! (Bike Style, Oct. 7, 2023)
- Reruns: October Posts Worth Revisiting (Oct. 7, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: October (Bike Style, Oct. 1, 2023)
- Walking in September: Of Berries and Bunnies (Sept. 30, 2023)
- Reruns: September Posts Worth Revisiting (Sept. 9, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: September (Bike Style, Sept. 1, 2023)
- Walking in August: Of Sparkles and Shorelines (Aug. 28, 2023)
- Wheeling Sea to Sound, Day Three (Bike Style, Aug. 27, 2023)
- Wheeling Sea to Sound, Day Two (Bike Style, Aug. 26, 2023)
- Wheeling Sea to Sound, Day One (Bike Style, Aug. 25, 2023)
- Hold onto your handlebars, we’ll soon charge ahead with e-bike programs (with Brooke Nelson on the WSDOT blog, Aug. 24, 2023)
- Setting My Own Pace (Bike Style, Aug. 18, 2023)
- We Are the Ones We've Been Waiting For: Poems for Activists and Advocates (Aug. 12, 2023)
- Why I Walk (Bike Style, Aug. 11, 2023)
- Wheeling Sea to Sound (Bike Style, Aug. 6, 2023)
- Reruns: August Posts Worth Revisiting (Aug. 5, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: August (Bike Style, Aug. 1, 2023)
- More Poems on the Bike Rack (Bike Style, July 27, 2023)
- Walking in July: Of Findings and Feathers (July 15, 2023)
- Bike Books I Recommend: Policy Edition (Bike Style, July 15, 2023)
- Why I Walk (July 8, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: July (Bike Style, July 1, 2023)
- Walking in June: Of Habits and Herons (June 30, 2023)
- Yes, Even More Transportation Poems (Bike Style, June 25, 2023)
- Riding Thoughts: Privilege Is a Tailwind (Bike Style, June 19, 2023)
- Choose Your Own Adventure: Creating your Version of an Athlon (Bike Style, June 11, 2023)
- Making Soup: A Pot Full of Poems (June 10, 2023)
- South Sound Short & Sweet Bike Tour (Bike Style, June 9, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: June (Bike Style, June 1, 2023)
- Walking in May: Of Downtowns and Dancing (May 27, 2023)
- “Do Not Drive Through, This Poem’s In The Way”: Transportation Poems Keep Rolling In (Bike Style, May 6, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: May (Bike Style, May 1, 2023)
- Biking in Olympia: Earth Day Market Ride (Bike Style, April 23, 2023)
- Hashtag Bikes (Bike Style, April 16, 2023)
- Walking in April: Of Multimodal Miles and Museums (April 16, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: April (Bike Style, April 1, 2023)
- “Safe passage through countless intersections”: A Baker’s Dozen of Transportation Poems (Bike Style, March 21, 2023)
- Walking in March: Of Woods and Work (March 15, 2023)
- Olympia Bikespedition: Poetry and Art, Eastside Edition (Bike Style, March 11, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: March (Bike Style, March 2, 2023)
- Walking in February: Of Woods and Water (Feb. 25, 2023)
- The Rocker (Feb. 20, 2023)
- How Am I Going to Get There? Why We Need Each Other (Bike Style, Feb. 18, 2023)
- Riding Down Memory Lane: February (Bike Style, Feb. 1, 2023)
- Walking in January: Of Gloves and Poetry (Jan. 31, 2023)
- Riding Always Makes Me Happy. Yes, Always. (Bike Style, Jan. 28, 2023)
- Reasons to Ride in 2023: A Forecast of Biking to Come (Bike Style, Jan. 1, 2023)
- 2022 in Review: Blogging and a Bit More (Dec. 31, 2022)
- New Year, New Mode(s) (Bike Style, Dec. 28, 2022)
- Commitment, Bite-Sized and Tasty (Dec. 26, 2022)
- Winter Solstice Readings (Dec. 21, 2022)
- An Alphabet of Things (Dec. 13, 2022)
- “I think/therefore/I ride.” A Bike Rack of Bicycle Poems (Bike Style, Dec. 10, 2022)
- Vegan Cranberry Caramelized Red Onion Orange Chutney Recipe Experimentation (Dec. 10, 2022)
- “We Are Still Here”: Indigenous-focused Bicycle Programs (Bike Style, Nov. 27, 2022)
- The Kitten Chronicles, Year Three (Nov. 21, 2022)
- What’s in a Name? Acoustic or Analog, Regular or Traditional Bicycle* (Bike Style, Nov. 20, 2022)
- The Kitten Chronicles, Year Two (Nov. 19, 2022)
- The Kitten Chronicles, Year One (Nov. 17, 2022)
- State Active Transportation Plan receives multiple awards (WSDOT Blog, Nov. 3, 2022)
- So long, spammers (with apologies to real people) (Bike Style, Sept. 25, 2022)
- Broken Wrist, Dang It! No Riding for a While (Bike Style, Sept. 24, 2022)
- Bike Everywhere Month Rolls in May (WSDOT Blog, May 12, 2022)
- Counting up the Years (May 1, 2022)
- Walking a Path (Dec. 28, 2021)
- Remember what Uncle Ben said (WSDOT blog, Oct. 27, 2021)
- Lost Year. Lost Future? (July 17, 2021)
- Walking and rolling into the future together (WSDOT blog, May 4, 2021)
- It’s Bike Love Day! (Bike Style, Feb. 14, 2020)
- Bikespedition Ideas: Noontime Noodling (Bike Style, Feb. 1, 2020)
- Challenges: My #Errandonnee Track Record (Bike Style, Jan. 27, 2020)
- Street of Dreams: Can We Live the Martin Luther King, Jr. Way? (Bike Style, Jan. 20, 2020)
- How Bicycling Keeps Me Flexible (Bike Style, Jan. 8, 2020)
- 2019 Blogging in Review (Dec. 31, 2019)
- Books I'm Not Done Reading (Yet) (Dec. 29, 2019)
- Year Ending, Year Beginning (Bike Style, Dec. 26, 2019)
- How to End One Year and Begin Another (Dec. 23, 2019)
- Coffeeneuring 2019: The Bike Date Edition (Bike Style, Dec. 14, 2019)
- Welcome to our Twitter Chat: #BikeSchool #MoveEquity #WheelsMoveMe (Bike Style, Dec. 10, 2019)
- What I'm Reading: September-October 2019 (Nov. 2, 2019)
- Digital Housework (Sept. 14, 2019)
- What I'm Reading: July-August 2019 (Sept. 1, 2019)
- What I'm Reading: June 2019 (July 4, 2019)
- What I'm Reading: May 2019 (June 9, 2019)
- What I'm Reading: April 2019 (May 12, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking 2019: The Big Finish (Bike Style, May 12, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Days 15-26: The Twitter Story (Bike Style, April 27, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Days 13 & 14: Bikes to the Rescue (Bike Style, April 14, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 12: Finding a Better Way (Bike Style, April 12, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 11: Commitment and Stopping (Bike Style, April 11, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 10: More Night Magic, with Frogs and Mist (Bike Style, April 10, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 9: A Quick Grocery Jaunt (Bike Style, April 9, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 8: Bikes are So Handy (Bike Style, April 8, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Days 6 & 7: A Little Night Magic (Bike Style, April 7, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 5: Some Days You Just Check the Box. It Still Counts. (Bike Style, April 5, 2019)
- Transportation Reading Round-up April 5, 2019 (Bike Style, April 5, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 4: E-Bikes Make Friends (Bike Style, April 4, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 3: Biking to Breakfast, and Zelda Defies the Wind (Bike Style, April 3, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 2: My Version of a Triathlon (Bike Style, April 2, 2019)
- #30DaysOfBiking, Day 1: Back on the Bike (Bike Style, April 1, 2019)
- Bike Every Day in April -- No Foolin' (#30DaysOfBiking) (Bike Style, April 1, 2019)
- What I'm Reading: March 2019 (March 31, 2019)
- Introducing Zelda the E-Bike (Bike Style, Mar. 25, 2019)
- A Multimodal Multi-Bike Day: How Bikeshare Comes in Handy for a Bike Owner (Bike Style, Mar. 23, 2019)
- What I'm Reading Eventually: My 2019 TBR (To Be Read) List (Mar. 9, 2019)
- Transportation Reading Round-up March 4, 2019 (Bike Style, Mar. 4, 2019)
- Model Modal Manners: Move Like You’re in a Grocery Store (Bike Style, Mar. 2, 2019)
- What I'm Reading: February 2019 (Mar. 2, 2019)
- What I'm Reading: January 2019 (Feb. 2, 2019)
- 2018 Reading List. It's Long. I Read a Lot. As in, a LOT a lot. (Jan. 22, 2019)
- Challenges: Bike Challenges to Try in 2019 (Bike Style, Jan. 5, 2019)
- 2018 Blogging in Review (Dec. 31, 2018)
- More or Less (Dec. 30, 2018)
- #BikeIt: What’s On Your List? (Bike Style, Dec. 29, 2018)
- Bike Style Gift Ideas: Three Products I Love and Why I Love Them (Bike Style, Dec. 16, 2018)
- Wheeling through Winter, Riding in the Rain: Bicycling Gear ABCs to Keep You Rolling (Bike Style, Dec. 13, 2018)
- Happy Holiday + Awesome Alliteration (Bike Style, Nov. 25, 2018)
- Give Your Power to Truth: What Story Are You Writing for Your Life? (Bike Style, Nov. 10, 2018)
- 13+ Reasons Bicycles Are Perfect for the Zombie Apocalypse (and Other Disasters) (Bike Style, Oct. 28, 2018)
- A Little Love Note to Twitter (Oct. 4, 2018)
- Hey (We’re Not All) Guys! Why I Don’t Use “You Guys” (Sept. 28, 2018)
- How I've Been Reading (Aug. 30, 2018)
- Event Planning 101: It’s Transportation + Accessibility Information, Not Parking Information (Bike Style Life, Aug. 4, 2018)
- The First Question Is Always WHY? (WSDOT Blog, July 5, 2018)
- Bike Tour Planning: (Relationship) Lessons Learned So Far (Bike Style Life, July 2, 2018)
- Bike Touring Northwest Washington State: How Our Bike + Ferry + Train Loop Worked Out (Bike Style Life, June 8, 2018)
- Day Thirteen and Done: Anacortes to Southwest Seattle (Bike Style Life, June 6, 2018)
- Day Twelve: Lopez Island to Anacortes (Bike Style Life, June 5, 2018)
- Day Eleven: Lopez Island, a Gentle Retreat (Bike Style Life, June 4, 2018)
- Days Nine and Ten: Friday Harbor to Lopez Island (Bike Style Life, June 3, 2018)
- Days Seven and Eight: Victoria, BC to Friday Harbor (Bike Style Life, June 1, 2018)
- Days Five and Six: Lake Crescent to Victoria, BC (Bike Style Life, May 30, 2018)
- Day Four: Port Angeles to Lake Crescent (Bike Style Life, May 28, 2018)
- Day Three: Port Townsend to Port Angeles (Bike Style Life, May 27, 2018)
- Day Two: Mukilteo to Port Townsend (Bike Style Life, May 26, 2018)
- Day One: Southwest Seattle to Mukilteo (Bike Style Life, May 25, 2018)
- Reclaiming Yoga (May 20, 2018)
- On the Road Again: Getting Ready for a Washington State Bike + Ferry + Train Vacation (Bike Style Life, May 19, 2018)
- 30 Days of Biking 2018: Rolled All April (Bike Style Life, May 18, 2018)
- Play Bike Bingo! Great Excuse for a Bikespedition (Bike Style Life, May 10, 2018)
- Clean Sweep: Trail maintenance on the list to prepare for National Bike Month, major events (WSDOT Blog, April 27, 2018)
- Bikeways Aren't Just for Bicyclists (WSDOT Blog, April 9, 2018)
- Beating the Bus, and Other Bicycling Benefits (Bike Style Life, April 3, 2018)
- Surgeon General Warning: Bicycling Can Be Habit-Forming (Bike Style Life, April 2, 2018)
- Why 30 Days of Biking? (Or More) (Bike Style Life, April 1, 2018)
- Errands by Bike Are a Breeze (and Sometimes Breezy): Errandonnee 2018 (Bike Style Life, Mar. 31, 2018)
- Keeping Another Streak Going: #30DaysOfYoga (Mar. 20, 2018)
- Errandonnee 2018: The Initial Plan (Bike Style Life, Mar. 19, 2018)
- Keep that Streak Going: #30DaysOf Something that Matters to You (Mar. 18, 2018)
- Oh So Challenging: 'Tis the Season to Track Your Riding (Bike Style Life, Mar. 18, 2018)
- Bike, Transit, Car: Three Transportation Perspectives from Seattle (Bike Style Life, Feb. 25, 2018)
- Washington Counties Challenge: A Statewide Bikespedition To-do List (Bike Style Life, Feb. 5, 2018)
- Slice and Dice Data Rant: Who's Really Number One? (Bike Style Life, Jan. 23, 2018)
- Data Rant Continued: What a Tangled Web (Bike Style Life, Jan. 22, 2018)
- A Bit of a Rant on Data (Bike Style Life, Jan. 21, 2018)
- Kindness Matters (Jan. 1, 2018)
- Coffeeneuring 2017: Did It! (Bike Style Life, Nov. 20, 2017)
- Bike Touring Round-up: Bike the Gap + C&O Canal Towpath (Bike Style Life, Nov. 1, 2017)
- Dark, rainy days ahead – time to use extra caution (WSDOT Blog, Nov. 1, 2017)
- More Coffeeneuring 2017--Past the Halfway Mark (Bike Style Life, Oct. 30, 2017)
- Mmmm, It’s Coffeeneuring Season (Bike Style Life, Oct. 29, 2017)
- Travel Takeaways: Policy Ponderings from a Long Bike Tour (Bike Style Life, Oct. 28, 2017)
- Travel Takeaways: Mental Musings from a Long Bike Tour (Bike Style Life, Oct. 27, 2017)
- Travel Takeaways: Physical Effects from a Long Bike Tour (Bike Style Life, Oct. 26, 2017)
- Now THAT Was a Vacation: Day 10 and Done (Bike Style Life, Oct. 18, 2017)
- Fixes, Flora and Fauna Asking the C&O: Days 8 and 9 (Bike Style Life, Oct. 16, 2017)
- Shaking It Up on the C&O: Days 6 and 7 (Bike Style Life, Oct. 14, 2017)
- Swimming on Bikes: Day 5 on the Great Allegheny Passage (Bike Style Life, Oct. 12, 2017)
- Bike Touring the Great Allegheny Passage: Days 3 and 4 (Bike Style Life, Oct. 11, 2017)
- Bike Touring Lessons Learned So Far: Two Days and 83 Miles (Bike Style Life, Oct. 9, 2017)
- Prepping, Packing, Shopping: It's Time for a Big Bike Tour (Bike Style Life, Oct. 5, 2017)
- It's Time to Get Rolling: May Is National Bike Month (WSDOT Blog, May 2, 2017)
- Success: #30DaysOfBiking April 2017 Is in the Bag (Bike Style Life, May 1, 2017)
- Rolling Right Along: Weeks 2-3, #30DaysOfBiking (Bike Style Life, April 23, 2017)
- Someone's Sweetheart (Bike Style Life, April 13, 2017)
- Coming Back: Week 1, #30DaysOfBiking (Bike Style Life, April 8, 2017)
- I Came to a Fork in the Road (Bike Style Life, March 12, 2017)
- Showing Up (Dec. 31, 2016)
- Outdoor Recreation to be Counted in US GDP (Washington Bikes, Dec. 8, 2016)
- Biking Is the Spice of Life (Bike Style Life, Nov. 24, 2016)
- Personal Privilege and Biking: It Takes More than a Bike Lane to Start Riding (2016 update) (Bike Style Life, Nov. 19, 2016)
- Five-Year Strategic Plan Priority: Communicate our Purpose (Washington Bikes, Nov. 4, 2016)
- Five-Year Strategic Plan Priority: Increase Ridership Statewide (Washington Bikes, Nov. 3, 2016)
- Statewide speak-out at the Washington Bike Summit: What will you Teach? What will you learn? (Cascade Bicycle Club, Nov. 3, 2016)
- Five-Year Strategic Plan Priority: Promote Bicycle Friendly Policies and Investments (Washington Bikes, Nov. 2, 2016)
- Five-Year Strategic Plan Priority: Support Election of Bicycle Friendly Candidates (Washington Bikes, Nov. 1, 2016)
- Looking Ahead: Our Five-Year Strategic Plan (Washington Bikes, Oct. 31, 2016)
- 13 Reasons Bicycles Are Perfect for the Zombie Apocalypse (Rails to Trails, Oct. 29, 2016)
- John Wayne Pioneer Trail Recap and 2017 Funding Request (Washington Bikes, Oct. 20, 2016)
- Biking the John Wayne Pioneer Trail East to West (Washington Bikes, Sept. 6, 2016)
- Ian Mackay's Journey for Accessibility (Washington Bikes, Aug. 25, 2016)
- Remembering Don (Aug. 7, 2016)
- Broken Elbow Style Is Sleeveless (Bike Style Aug. 7, 2016)
- Port Angeles to Portland: Your expert route advice needed (Cascade Bicycle Club Aug. 6, 2016)
- Rolling Through Washington: Ian Mackay's Ride Is Coming Up (Washington Bikes Aug. 4, 2016)
- John Wayne Pioneer Trail: Comments for Commission Meeting (Washington Bikes July 21, 2016)
- Found it? Ask them to fix it (Cascade Bicycle Club, July 19, 2016)
- A Different Set of Wheels: Ride with Ian Mackay (Washington Bikes July 18, 2016)
- We Are Traffic: Court Says Cities Must Maintain Streets for Bicyclists (Washington Bikes July 6, 2016)
- New Washington Bikes Board Members (Washington Bikes June 29, 2016)
- Willapa Hills Rail-Trail Links Chehalis to Pe Ell (Washington Bikes June 25, 2016)
- Tell USDOT We All Count #MakeMeCount (Washington Bikes June 23, 2016)
- Rail-Trail Surface Improved Along Curlew Lake (Washington Bikes June 20, 2016)
- John Wayne Pioneer Trail: More Chances to Be Heard and to Experience the Trail (Washington Bikes May 3, 2016)
- John Wayne Pioneer Trail: Public Hearings May 10 and 11 (Washington Bikes April 26, 2016)
- Will Your Town Celebrate Bike Month with a Proclamation? (Washington Bikes April 22, 2016)
- John Wayne Pioneer Trail: An Incredible Experience (Washington Bikes April 14, 2016)
- The New Washington Bikes (Washington Bikes March 31, 2016)
- Speak Up for the John Wayne Pioneer Trail in Cheney and Ellensburg (Washington Bikes March 7, 2016)
- Thinking About Garbage (and How to Make Less of It) (Jan. 18, 2016)
- 2015: A Big Year for Bicycling in Washington State (Washington Bikes Dec. 31, 2015)
- Changing Again (Dec. 30, 2015)
- Great Gear for a Rainy Ride: The Wander Wrap (Bike Style Dec. 28, 2015)
- Cascade Bicycle Club and Washington Bikes Merge to Form Nation's Largest Statewide Bicycle Nonprofit (Washington Bikes Dec. 8, 2015)
- "Click" on Personal Safety and Privilege (Dec. 2015)
- Personal Safety and Privilege: A Vignette (Bike Style Dec. 5, 2015)
- Update: Proposed Merger of Washington Bikes and Cascade Bicycle Club (Washington Bikes Nov. 13, 2015)
- What's That Aroma? #bikesmells (Washington Bikes Oct. 24, 2015)
- Time for Your Thoughts on Washington Wildlife and Recreation Program--Critical Trail Funding (Washington Bikes Oct. 12, 2015)
- Hey, Ho, It's Coffeeneuring We Go (Washington Bikes, Sept. 29, 2015)
- 30 Days of Biking September 2015: Are You In? (Washington Bikes, Sept. 1, 2015)
- Washington Bikes and Cascade Bicycle Club Announce Merger Discussion (Washington Bikes, Aug. 22, 2015)
- Who Are Your Everyday Superheroes of Bicycling? (Washington Bikes Aug. 8, 2015)
- Washingtonians Spoke Up for Biking, Health, and Safety and Governor Inslee Listened (Washington Bikes, July 28, 2015)
- 14 Ideas for Seattle Area Bike Rides (Washington Bikes, June 5, 2015)
- #WaveBack, Washington: Make the First of Each Month Friendly (Washington Bikes, May 31, 2015)
- Washington State Ride of Silence 2015: Voices for Safety (Washington Bikes, May 20, 2015)
- Connections for Kate (Washington Bikes, April 17, 2015)
- #30DaysofBiking: Nearing the Halfway Mark (Washington Bikes, April 13, 2015)
- #30DaysofBiking 2015: I'm Rolling (Bike Style April 9, 2015)
- 2016 Washington Bike Summit: Where, When, Who, What (Washington Bikes, April 7, 2015)
- #Errandonnee 2015: How It Went in Washington State (Washington Bikes, April , 2015)
- Paul's Riding Again, Thanks to You (Washington Bikes, April 5, 2015)
- #30DaysOfBiking: It's That Time Again (Washington Bikes, March 30, 2015)
- Washington Bike Summit 2015: Statewide Bike Conference a Sell-Out Crowd (Washington Bikes, March 23, 2015)
- Errandonnee 2015: Winter Errands by Bike (Bike Style March 7, 2015)
- Bike to Errands: It's Time to Errandonnee (Washington Bikes, March 5, 2015)
- Washington Bike Summit: Featured Speaker Martha Roskowski (Washington Bikes, March 2, 2015)
- Washington Bike Summit: Featured Speaker Samantha Ollinger (Washington Bikes, Feb. 12, 2015)
- Michael Bennett Rides a Bike (Washington Bikes, Feb. 1, 2015)
- Scofflaw Biking Survey (Yeah, We Said It) (Washington Bikes, Jan. 27, 2015)
- Trail Projects in Washington State: 2014 Progress Report (Washington Bikes, Jan. 26, 2015)
- Winter Bike to Work Day Feb. 13, 2015 (Washington Bikes, Jan. 22, 2015)
- 10 More 2014 Milestones in Washington State Bicycling (Washington Bikes, Jan. 15, 2015)
- Getaway to Lake Stevens and Beyond, Day Four: Back to Seattle (Washington Bikes, Jan. 8, 2015)
- Getaway to Lake Stevens and Beyond, Day Three: Arlington via Snohomish Centennial Trail (Washington Bikes, Jan. 7, 2015)
- Getaway to Lake Stevens and Beyond, Day Two: Marysville (Washington Bikes, Jan. 6, 2015)
- Bed, Breakfast and Biking: Getaway to Lake Stevens and More, Day One (Washington Bikes, Jan. 5, 2015)
- #BikeIt: What's On Your List? (Washington Bikes, Dec. 31, 2014)
- 11 Trends that Are Good for the Growth of Bicycling (Washington Bikes, Dec. 30, 2014)
- 13 Ways Bicycling Got Better in Washington in 2014 (Washington Bikes, Dec. 29, 2014)
- Trails and More #1 in Washington State: Bicycling By the Numbers (Washington Bikes, Dec. 16, 2014)
- Wet Weather Riding Tips #IBikeInRain (Washington Bikes, Dec. 13, 2014)
- So this Interstate Highway Walks into a Bar.... (Washington Bikes Dec. 5, 2014)
- Cold Weather Riding Tips (Washington Bikes Dec. 4, 2014)
- Thank You for Riding with Us (Washington Bikes Nov. 27, 2014)
- #GivingTuesday with Washington Bikes December 2 (Washington Bikes Nov. 26, 2014)
- Giving Thanks for Bicycles (Washington Bikes Nov. 23, 2014)
- #Coffeeneuring 2014: It's In the Cup (Bike Style Nov, 22, 2014)
- Legislative Bike Ride: That's How We Roll (Washington Bikes Nov. 20, 2014)
- A Little Kindness (Washington Bikes Nov. 13, 2014)
- Create Adventure: What to Expect at the WA Bikes Gala Auction (Washington Bikes Nov. 1, 2014)
- 13 Reasons Bicycles Are Perfect for the Zombie Apocalypse (Washington Bikes Oct. 25, 2014)
- #Coffeeneuring: It's on a Roll in Washington State (Washington Bikes Oct. 20, 2014)
- Coffeeneuring 2014: the Halfway Mark (Bike Style Oct. 22, 2014)
- Coffeeneuring: A Bike Challenge Everyone Can Love (Washington Bikes Oct. 1, 2014)
- We Get Kids Rolling (Washington Bikes Sept. 22, 2014)
- The Whitehorse Trail: Partners, Progress and Potential (Washington Bikes Sept. 20, 2014)
- Inclusion (Sept. 15, 2014)
- How I Came to Be a Bike Advocate (Sept. 15, 2014)
- Tell the Washington Legislature: Focus on Safety and Complete Connections (Washington Bikes Sept. 5, 2014)
- We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident: There Is No "Right" to Speedy Travel (Washington Bikes Sept. 2, 2014)
- Cascade Bicycle Club and Washington Bikes: Growing Bicycling and Improving Lives Together (Washington Bikes Aug. 26, 2014)
- Bikes Count--Help Count Bikes! (Washington Bikes Aug. 25, 2014)
- Gigantic Bicycle Festival Rolls Through Snohomish County and into Snoqualmie (Washington Bikes Aug. 24, 2014)
- Own a Piece of the Street: Park(ing) Day Sept. 19 (Washington Bikes Aug. 15, 2014)
- Help Replace Paul's Stolen Bike (Washington Bikes Aug. 12, 2014)
- Biking Is News All Around the Evergreen State (Washington Bikes Aug. 1, 2014)
- When I Get Older: Why I'm Counting on a Multimodal System (Washington Bikes July 28, 2014)
- How Long Does It Take to Ride Your Bike? It's All in the Attitude (Washington Bikes July 25, 2014)
- Wanted: Awesome Organized Person to Join WA Bikes Team (Washington Bikes July 24, 2014)
- Biking as Downtime: Musings on Overproductivity (Washington Bikes July 18, 2014)
- Working for Better Bicycling in North Central Washington (Washington Bikes July 14, 2014)
- Bikes Are Blooming in Wenatchee (Washington Bikes July 10, 2014)
- Heads-Up: Getting Your Bike through Construction in Snohomish County and Whatcom County (Washington Bikes June 19, 2014)
- Snohomish County Bikes: Seattle to Edmonds--Day Trip to the Salish Sea (Washington Bikes June 17, 2014)
- Get Outdoors Expo Celebrates Washington's Great Outdoors (Washington Bikes June 15, 2014)
- Adventure Awaits! National Get Outdoors Day June 14 (Washington Bikes June 10, 2014)
- Great Guide to Bike Touring in Washington State: The Reviews Keep Coming (Washington Bikes June 3, 2014)
- Personal Privilege and Biking: It Takes More than a Bike Lane to Start Riding (Washington Bikes June 2, 2014)
- Cookies and Muffins and Cupcakes, Oh My! A Bike Trip to Lake Forest Park (Washington Bikes May 31, 2014)
- Washington's Great Outdoors: Task Force Meeting June 10 in Spokane (Washington Bikes May 28, 2014)
- Enumclaw Bicycling: Racing and Pie (Washington Bikes May 25, 2014)
- 10 Fun Things to Do by Bike in Spokane this Summer (Washington Bikes May 21, 2014)
- Ride of Silence Is Tomorrow Night (Washington Bikes May 20, 2014)
- Bike to Work Week, Bike to Everywhere: Olympia (Washington Bikes May 20, 2014)
- Bike to Work Week, Bike to Everywhere: Spokane (Washington Bikes May 19, 2014)
- Goodbye, Mom (May 19, 2014)
- Reviews Are Coming In: Great Bike Travel Book to Help You Plan Your Washington State Bike Touring (Washington Bikes May 2, 2014)
- Washington State is America's #1 Bicycle Friendly State 7th Year in a Row (Washington Bikes May 1, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking April 2014: I Did It! (Bike Style May 1, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 30: Happy (Washington Bikes April 30, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 29: Sun (Washington Bikes April 29, 2014)
- Washington's Great Outdoors: Your Chance to Shape the Future (Washington Bikes April 29, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 28: Morning (Washington Bikes April 28, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 27: Jerseys (Washington Bikes April 27, 2014)
- Love Your Bike? Turn It Into Art! (Washington Bikes April 27, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 26: Shopping (Washington Bikes April 26, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 25: Don't (Washington Bikes April 25, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 24: Wind (Washington Bikes April 24, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 23: Eyes (Washington Bikes April 23, 2014)
- To Track or Not to Track: A Blogspedition (Bike Style, April 23, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 22: Habits (Washington Bikes April 22, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 21: Aches (Washington Bikes April 21, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 20: Purpose (Washington Bikes April 20, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 19: Cookies (Washington Bikes April 19, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 18: Sunshine (Washington Bikes April 18, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 17: Magic (Washington Bikes April 17, 2014)
- #30DaysOfBiking: Halfway Mark Plus One (Bike Style April 16, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 16: Blogs (Washington Bikes April 16, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 15: Taxes (Washington Bikes April 15, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 14: Driving (Washington Bikes April 14, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 13: Sounds (Washington Bikes April 13, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 12: Friends (Washington Bikes April 12, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 11: Home (Washington Bikes April 11, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 10: Snohomish (Washington Bikes April 10, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Nine: Outdoors (Washington Bikes April 9, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Eight: Leadership (Washington Bikes April 8, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Seven: Left (Washington Bikes April 7, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Six: Dates (Washington Bikes April 6, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Five: Racing (Washington Bikes April 5, 2014)
- #30daysofbiking, #30words, #30pix (Bike Style April 4, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Four: Racing (Washington Bikes April 4, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Three: Color (Washington Bikes April 3, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day Two: Flexibility (Washington Bikes April 2, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, 30 Words, 30 Pictures: Day One (Washington Bikes April 1, 2014)
- By the Numbers: A Morning Bike Commute (Washington Bikes March 13, 2014)
- Every Bike Picture Tells a Story (Bike Style March 12, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking in April: Pledge to Ride to Show WA Bikes! (Washington Bikes March 11, 2014)
- Moroccan Spiced Chickpeas and Squash (Jan. 20, 2014)
- Zen and the Art of Bicycle Riding (Bike Style Jan. 11, 2014)
- One Word for 2014: Purpose (Jan. 1, 2014)
- One Word for 2014 Bicycling (Bike Style Jan. 1, 2014)
- (Some of) The Best Writing About Riding: Books on Bicycling to Put on Your Wish List (Washington Bikes Dec. 20, 2013)
- Washington Bikes: The Store (Washington Bikes Dec. 17, 2013)
- A Great Year Behind, a Great Year Ahead (Washington Bikes Dec. 12, 2013)
- Planning for a Bikeable, Walkable Spokane: Finding a Way Forward Together (Washington Bikes Dec. 10, 2013)
- Really Good Sour Cream Coffeecake with Serious Amounts of Crumb Topping (Nov. 28, 2013)
- We're Thankful that Washington Bikes--And Our Jersey Says So Too (Washington Bikes Nov. 27, 2013)
- Time for (More Than) Your Two Cents' Worth--Tell Olympia Washington Bikes! (Washington Bikes Nov. 19, 2013)
- The Words You Speak (Nov. 13, 2013)
- When Our Work Succeeds, Washington Bikes. And That's Our New Name! (Washington Bikes Nov. 3, 2013)
- All Kinds of Riders for All Kinds of Reasons (Bicycle Alliance of Washington Nov. 1, 2013)
- Rails AND Trails Make for Great Riding, Train-Spotting (Bicycle Alliance of Washington Oct. 30, 2013)
- Anacortes Named Bicycle-Friendly Community (Bicycle Alliance of Washington Oct. 18, 2013)
- What to Tell the State Senate About Bike Transportation (Bicycle Alliance of Washington Sept. 12, 2013)
- Federal Transportation Plans: Looking Ahead, or in the Rearview Mirror? (Bicycle Alliance of Washington Sept. 9, 2013)
- Listening to Your Legs--Or Not, As the Case May Be (Bike Style Sept. 2, 2013)
- Take the Poll: What Type of Rider Are You? (Bicycle Alliance of Washington Aug. 28, 2013)
- Bicycle Tour Guide Rolling on Kickstarter! (Bicycle Alliance of Washington Aug. 22, 2013)
- Washington State Bicycle Travel Photo Sampling: Researching a Bike Travel Guide Doesn't Look Like Work, Does It? (Bicycle Alliance of Washingtons Aug. 7, 2013)
- Bikes + Wine = Outstanding Bike Tour in Washington Wine Country--AND You Get to Help Write Our Bike Tour Book (Bicycle Alliance of Washington July 26, 2013)
- Washington State Bike Tour Book to Launch with Kickstarter, Benefit Tour (Bicycle Alliance of Washington July 25, 2013)
- Faster, Higher, Stronger (Bike Style July 20, 2013)
- What Biking Gives Me (Bike Style July 17, 2013)
- Recent Thoughts in Other Spaces (July 17, 2013)
- Spokane County Trails Plan: Your Input Needed (Bicycle Alliance of Washington July 15, 2013)
- Nominate Your Favorite Bicycle Travel Guru/Rock Star/Maven (Bicycle Alliance of Washington July 12, 2013)
- A Kirkland Mom's Story: Why We MUST Invest in Safer Streets for Stella (Bicycle Alliance of Washington June 28, 2013)
- The Next 24 Hours Are Critical for Bike/Walk Infrastructure (Bicycle Alliance of Washington June 27, 2013)
- Bicycle Alliance of Washington Remains Committed to Developing a Balanced Transportation Package (Bicycle Alliance of Washington June 26, 2013)
- Three Women, Three Interactions on the Road (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington June 14, 2013)
- Transportation Revenue: Taking Us Backward, Not Forward, Is Not Acceptable (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington June 11, 2013)
- I Suppose It Takes All Kinds: Musings on Human Behavior (Bike Style June 9, 2013)
- Seeking Outstanding Projects for National Recognition (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington June 5, 2013)
- Take It Easy: How NOT to Increase Your Weekly Mileage (Bike Style June 3, 2013)
- 'Twas Brillig, and the Slithy Toves (June 1, 2013)
- Win a Nuu-Muu! (I Heart Nuu-Muus) (Bike Style May 25, 2013)
- Bike to Work Week 2013: Quite a Change (Bike Style May 19, 2013)
- Commute Challenge Lessons Learned: Part 2 (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington May 13, 2013)
- Commute Challenge Lessons Learned: Part 1 (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington May 12, 2013)
- Washington Ranked #1 Among Bicycle-Friendly States (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington May 1, 2013)
- 30 Days of Biking April 2013: Final Report (on Bike Style May 1, 2013)
- 30 Days of Biking: 9 Days to Go (on Bike Style April 21, 2013)
- A Down Payment on a Connected Future: Support the Liias Amendment (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington April 19, 2013)
- Neighborhood Safe Streets Passes Washington State Senate 45-2 (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington April 17, 2013)
- Holding Mom (April 16, 2013)
- 30 Days of Biking April 2013: Almost Halfway Ride Report (Bike Style April 15, 2013)
- Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Proclaiming National Bicycle Month in [Your Town Here] (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington April 12, 2013)
- Shop 'til You Drop at the Swap! April 13-14 Spokane Bike Swap (Bike Style April 11, 2013)
- Interns Wanted for the Bicycle Alliance of Washington (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington April 10, 2013)
- It Is Always Better to Ride Than Not to Ride (Bike Style April 6, 2013)
- Proud to Be a Health Champion! (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington April 5, 2013)
- A Push to the Finish for Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington April 4, 2013)
- Riding More, Riding More Often (Bike Style March 29, 2013)
- A Pause to Remember (March 26, 2013)
- 30 Days of Biking 2013: Yes We Can! (Bike Style March 23, 2013)
- Not Even Fully Loaded: Another Grocery Run (Bike Style March 17, 2013)
- Washington Bike Blog Round-up for the Week (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington March 17, 2013)
- 30 Days of Biking Washington (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington March 16, 2013)
- Gear Grinder Blend: Delicious Support for the Bicycle Alliance of Washington (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington March 12, 2013)
- 5 Behavior and Culture Hacks to Get More People to Bike and Walk (Bike Style March 11, 2013)
- Will the State Senate Vote to Slow Traffic in Your Neighborhood (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington March 6, 2013)
- Women's Bike Blogs: The Saga Continues (Bike Style March 4, 2013)
- Keep Your Eyes on the Prize: It's Time to Go Get the Transportation Budget We Want (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Feb. 22, 2013)
- Errandonnee with a Twist: Biking and Walking Got It Done (Bike Style Feb. 21, 2013)
- Make Way for the Ladies: Women Pedal to the Forefront of the Bicycle Movement (Bike Style Feb. 18, 2013)
- Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill Needs You in the House (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Feb. 16, 2013)
- Errandonnee: Winter Errands by Bike! (Bike Style Feb. 15, 2013)
- It's Just Common Sense: The Safe Passing Bill (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Feb. 11, 2013)
- (Re) Learning to Ride a Road Bike (Bike Style Feb. 10, 2013)
- Love Bikes? Take Action During Valentine's Week (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Feb. 9, 2013)
- Bikes Are Being USED, I Tell You. Keep Up the Good Work. (Bike Style Feb. 7, 2013)
- Biking in the Land Down Under: A Blogspedition with Aussies & Kiwies (Bike Style Feb. 3, 2013)
- Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill: Second Gear, Second Committee Hearing (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Jan. 30, 2013)
- Top 5 Posts in 2012 (Bike Style Jan. 27, 2013)
- Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill: First Gear, First Committee Hearing (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Jan. 24, 2013)
- Nominate Your Top-Priority Bike Project (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Jan. 24, 2013)
- On a Roll with Michelle S, Olympia (Bike Style Jan. 23, 2013)
- Seattle Streets Take Two: More Impressions of Seattle Biking (Bike Style Jan. 19, 2013)
- Looking Back, Looking Ahead (Bike Style Jan. 13, 2013)
- A Bike-Friendly Bit on Comcast (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington, Jan. 5, 2013)
- A Great 2012, an Even Better 2013! (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Dec. 28, 2012)
- Riding Around Washington: Share Your Passion! (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Dec. 19, 2012)
- Back Some New Bike Fashions from Iva Jean (Bike Style Dec. 4, 2012)
- Parenting Up, Parenting Down, Parenting Across (Nov. 25, 2012)
- My Mary Poppins Bike: Review of the Specialized Globe Daily 2 (Bike Style Nov. 12, 2012)
- Cast On, Bind Off: The Blogspedition Knits up a Storm (Bike Style Nov. 4, 2012)
- Personal Advantages and Bicycling: How I Really Started Riding (Bike Style Oct. 21, 2012)
- Hundreds of Women+Bicycling=Amazing Gathering: National Women's Bicycling Summit (Bike Style Oct. 10, 2012)
- Possibly Perfect Pants: Outlier Tailored Women's Daily Riding Pant (Bike Style Oct. 7, 2012)
- Who's Keeping Track? Not Me (Bike Style Aug. 27, 2012)
- Yes, Portland IS Awesome for Bikes: A Blogspedition (Bike Style Aug. 24, 2012)
- Wednesday Words: Quotations on Bikes, Cars, Drivers, and Roads (Bike Style Aug. 22, 2012)
- On a Roll with Madeleine Carlson, Seattle (Bike Style Aug. 20, 2012)
- Hub and Bespoke: Worth a Bikespedition All Its Own (Bike Style Aug. 17, 2012)
- Seneca Falls Is in Long Beach this Year: National Women's Bicycling Summit (Bike Style Aug. 11, 2012)
- Your "Right" to Speedy Travel Doesn't Exist (Bike Style Aug. 7, 2012)
- If Bikes Were Cars and Cyclists Were Drivers (Bike Style Aug. 4, 2012)
- First Impressions of Seattle Biking (Bike Style Aug. 3, 2012)
- Wednesday Words: Bicycling Quotations on the Efficiency of Cycling (Bike Style Aug. 1, 2012)
- Another Page out of the History Book: Biking and Clothing (Bike Style July 28, 2012)
- Stolen! Help Find My Husband's Bike (Bike Style July 26, 2012)
- We Are Not the Enemy, Because there Isn't One (Bike Style July 24, 2012)
- On a Roll with Sue Hinz, Pullman (Bike Style July 22, 2012)
- I Am Woman. I Bike. I Am Strong. (Bike Style July 19, 2012)
- The Trek FX Gets a Road Test, and I Get Confused (Bike Style July 17, 2012)
- Nominate Awesome Bike Folk for Adventure Cycling Bicycle Travel Awards (Bike Style July 14, 2012)
- A Small Moment (Bike Style July 12, 2012)
- Sitting Pretty: Some Solutions for Bike Butt (Bike Style July 10, 2012)
- Social Media Moves: 59 Things to Do When You Change Jobs (July 9, 2012)
- Bike Helmets: Pro-Cute, Anti-Ugly (Bike Style July 8, 2012)
- A Page out of the History Books: Benefits of Biking for Spinsters (on Bike Style July 6, 2012)
- The Bicycle and Women's Independence (on Bike Style July 4, 2012)
- A New Bend in the Road (on Bike Style July 3, 2012)
- Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes (July 3, 2012)
- Westward Ho! The Blogspedition Visits Seattle (on Bike Style July 1, 2012)
- Feeling Adventurous? Your Chance to Win (on Bike Style June 29, 2012)
- Informal Impressions of the Breezer Infinity Uptown LS (on Bike Style June 27, 2012)
- It's Still Time to Take Action and Contact Congress to Support Funding for Biking and Walking (on Bike Style June 26, 2012)
- Picture It: Faces of Transportation Photo Contest (on Bike Style June 24, 2012)
- Is There Such a Thing as a Lowercase "nazi"? (June 24, 2012)
- We Engineered Our Way into this Mess. Now We Need to Engineer Our Way Out of It. (on Bike Style June 22, 2012)
- When I Get Older: Why I Believe in a Multimodal System and Complete Streets (on Bike Style June 20, 2012)
- Who Really Pays for Streets? We All Do. (on Bike Style June 18, 2012)
- 3 Reasons to Roll with Summer Parkways (on Bike Style Spokane June 16, 2012)
- How to Be a Good Guy/Gal on the Street (on Bike Style Spokane June 15, 2012)
- Take Action! Congress Could Cut Bike/Pedestrian Funding (on Bike Style Spokane June 14, 2012)
- You're En-Title-(9)-d (Groan); Women's Bike Ride June 23 from Title Nine (on Bike Style Spokane June 13, 2012)
- A Life Manifesto on a Bike (on Bike Style Spokane June 11, 2012)
- Meet Spokane's Newest Complete Street: Martin Luther King, Jr. Way (on Bike Style Spokane June 7, 2012)
- Lovin' the Lace: Review of Sheila Moon Lingerie Liners and Knickers (on Bike Style Spokane June 3, 2012)
- Tab Set: A Reading Round-Up Blogspedition (on Bike Style Spokane June 1, 2012)
- Getting Started Bike Commuting: A Blogspedition Inside Bike Style (on Bike Style Spokane May 28, 2012)
- Tab Set: A Round-up of Current Miscellany (May 28, 2012)
- Intro to Bike Commuting (in Style) for Women: Talk & Shop at Two Wheel Transit May 30 (on Bike Style Spokane May 27, 2012)
- Bike to Work. Bike to Eat. Bike to Shop. Bike to Everything. (on Bike Style Spokane May 25, 2012)
- It's Time to Bike to Work, Spokane! (Energizing Update) (on Bike Style Spokane May 15, 2012)
- The Ultimate Bikespedition: Support the US Bicycle Route System (on Bike Style Spokane May 13, 2012)
- Just Capital! The Blogspedition Heads to Washington, DC (on Bike Style Spokane April 21, 2012)
- 30 Days of Biking: Hills and Miles and Darkness, Oh My! (on Bike Style Spokane April 11, 2012)
- 30 Days of Biking: Why Week 1 Doesn't Have 7 Days of Riding in It, and why that's OK (on Bike Style Spokane April 8, 2012)
- 30 Days of Biking: Starting off with very Different Days (on Bike Style Spokane April 2, 2012)
- Another 30 Days of Biking--Can We Do It? Heck Yeah! (on Bike Style Spokane March 31, 2012)
- The Skirt Scoot: A Key Maneuver (on Bike Style Spokane March 24, 2012)
- Shop & Swap! Spokane Bike Swap Saturday-Sunday (on Bike Style Spokane March 22, 2012)
- Around the World in 80 Days (and then some): A Traveling Blogspedition (on Bike Style Spokane March 19, 2012)
- The Mindful Biking Series (Mar. 17, 2012)
- Why a Cyclist Needs a Pedometer (on Bike Style Spokane Mar. 14, 2012)
- The Soundtrack in my Head (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 28, 2012)
- They're Coming Back! Spring and Health (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 23, 2012)
- A Weak Week--Coming Back from the Flu (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 20, 2012)
- Why Marriage Matters: A Valentine to my Sweetheart and a Thank-You to the Washington Legislature and Governor Gregoire (Feb. 14, 2012)
- Consider Adoption--Of a Bike Lane, That Is (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 13, 2012)
- Unmindful Biking by Yours Truly (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 11, 2012)
- Mindful Driving, Mindful Biking, and "Accidents"--Part II (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 10, 2012)
- Mindful Driving, Mindful Biking, and "Accidents"--Part I (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 9, 2012)
- It Pays to Pay Attention (Feb. 8, 2012)
- Miss Manners Would Approve: Dealing with Drivers (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 7, 2012)
- Pedestrian Tourist Impressions of New York Biking (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 2, 2012)
- New York, New York: The Blogspedition Visits the City that Never Sleeps (on Bike Style Spokane Feb. 1, 2012)
- Looking for a Bite/Bike of the Big Apple: The Bikespedition Heads to New York City (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 29, 2012)
- Paying It Forward: Why I Vote YES for Kids and Schools (Jan. 29, 2012)
- Biking Is Good for Us: An Infographic "Duh" (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 28, 2012)
- Why a Cyclist Needs a Pedometer (on Step UP Spokane Jan. 26, 2012)
- Winter Ride Report: Sunshine and Splatters (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 26, 2012)
- Getting Healthy: The Blogspedition Looks at Biking for Weight Loss (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 25, 2012)
- Just Like Riding a Bike--Or Not (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 23, 2012)
- My Favorite Posts of 2011: A Blogspedition in Bike Style (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 17, 2012)
- Hate Cannot Drive Out Hate: Only Love Can Do That (Jan. 16, 2012)
- Spending the Day Running Around Downtown: Bikespedition #4 (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 15, 2012)
- Seeing with New Eyes (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 14, 2012)
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Way Is a Great Street--Hypothetically, That Is (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 13, 2012)
- What I Saw Taking the Road Less Traveled (by Me, That Is) (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 12, 2012)
- 3 Words for 2012 Biking (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 11, 2012)
- A Training Ride--to the Fabric Store (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 8, 2012)
- Be a Green Dot on a Bike, Part II--The Hard Part (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 7, 2012)
- Be a Green Dot on a Bike, Part I (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 6, 2012)
- Starting the New Year off Right: On my Bike! (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 3, 2012)
- A Few Things You Can Do with Quinoa (Jan. 3, 2012)
- Twitter 101: Getting Started (on LaunchPadINW.com Jan. 2, 2012)
- An Easy New Year's Resolution: Write It Down (on Bike Style Spokane Jan. 1, 2012)
- Wednesday Words: The Mental Effects of Cycling (on Bike Style Spokane Dec. 28, 2011)
- A Solstice Post: Gifts I Give Myself by Riding in the Winter (on Bike Style Spokane Dec. 22, 2011)
- Who Are We Trying to Kid? (Dec. 22, 2011)
- We Get to Complete Our Streets! (on Bike Style Spokane Dec. 20, 2011)
- Still Riding! (on Bike Style Spokane Dec. 14, 2011)
- The Yoga of Biking. Or, the Biking of Yoga (on Bike Style Spokane Dec. 8, 2011)
- It's a Wild World (on Bike Style Spokane Dec. 4, 2011)
- Winning the Race (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 29, 2011)
- Where Is My Jet Pack?! (Nov. 29, 2011)
- Shop Small, Shop Local: Small Business Saturday (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 25, 2011)
- In Which I Give Thanks for Biking (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 24, 2011)
- Being Thankful (Mindful) Every Day (Nov. 24, 2011)
- Winter Biking--Really? (On Step UP Spokane Nov. 23, 2011)
- Cranksgiving Ride, Relax, Reward (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 23, 2011)
- On a Roll with Betsy Lawrence: On Becoming a Late-in-Life Jock (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 22, 2011)
- Keep Your Weather Eye Open (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 19, 2011)
- Baby, It's Cold Outside! (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 17, 2011)
- Wednesday Words: Bicycling Quotations on Metaphors for Life (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 16, 2011)
- Evolution, Not Revolution: All Bicycling Motives Welcome, Part II (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 15, 2011)
- Evolution, Not Revolution: All Bicycling Motives Welcome, Part I (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 14, 2011)
- My Fan Girl Moment with Mia Birk (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 13, 2011)
- Don't Settle for Incomplete Streets! (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 12, 2011)
- Semper Bike: A Blogspedition in Honor of Veterans' Day (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 11, 2011)
- Beautiful Fall Riding (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 10, 2011)
- Wednesday Words: Bicycle Quotations on Life and Civilization (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 9, 2011)
- Vote for Bikes! (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 7, 2011)
- Grocery Run: Impossible! (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 5, 2011)
- On a Roll with Mary Verner (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 4, 2011)
- Thanks, Mr. Pickup Driver. I Mean That. (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 3, 2011)
- Wednesday Words: Bicycle Quotations on Experiencing the Moment (on Bike Style Spokane Nov. 2, 2011)
- Becoming a Bike Commuter, Part II: A Few More Miles (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 31, 2011)
- Becoming a Bike Commuter, Part I: It's Easy, a Few Miles at a Time (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 30, 2011)
- Making Soup--Er, Bike Networks (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 29, 2011)
- That Was No Accident (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 28, 2011)
- Wednesday Words: Bicycle Quotations on Women, Fashion, and Emancipation (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 26, 2011)
- Bike Commuting Manners: Is a Smile or a Nod Too Much to Ask? (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 25, 2011)
- Capturing Bike Beauty and Inspiration: Adventure Cycling's Bike Photo Contest (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 24, 2011)
- Frittering Away My Mental Energies, Thanks--How About You? (Oct. 24, 2011)
- Cutest Dress You'll Ever Sweat In: I Heart Nuu-Muus and Ruu-Muus on Bike Style Spokane (Oct. 23, 2011)
- Everyday Riders and Unseen Cyclists (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 22, 2011)
- The Very Proper Gander: A Fable for our Times (Oct. 21, 2011)
- Car, Bike, Bus: 3 Transportation Perspectives (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 21, 2011)
- If Electric Hand Dryers Were Bikes (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 19, 2011)
- Shoulder Season: The Blogspedition Stays Toasty (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 17, 2011)
- They Deserved It: Chicked Again. (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 15, 2011)
- Don't Do This! A Post in which I Complain about People on Bikes (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 14, 2011)
- Hint: It's the First Word in the Boy Scout Law (No, Not Clean, Brave, or Reverent) (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 13, 2011)
- Don't Complain To Me! And Get Used to Us. (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 12, 2011)
- Confession Time (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 11, 2011)
- On a Roll with Jamie Morgan (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 10, 2011)
- Helping the World, One Bike at a Time (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 9, 2011)
- Coffeeneuring: Fueled by Caffeine (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 8, 2011)
- The Blogspedition Goes Panting for Pants (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 7, 2011)
- Pants Management 101 (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 6, 2011)
- The Quest for the Perfect Pants for Biking: Are We There Yet? I Need to Go. (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 5, 2011)
- The Quest for the Perfect Pants for Biking to Work: Phase I (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 4, 2011)
- It's Pants Week. Share My Obsession. (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 3, 2011)
- Getting Married in Bike Style (A Blogspedition) (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 2, 2011)
- 30 Days of Biking, September 2011: The Biking Blogging Series (on Bike Style Spokane Oct. 1, 2011)
- 30 Days of Biking: Final Report (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 30, 2011)
- Dear Reader, I Chicked Him (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 29, 2011)
- Bicycling Rites of Passage, Spokane Style (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 28, 2011)
- Even More Mental Essentials for Bike Commuting: Tolerance, Humor, and Persistence (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 27, 2011)
- More Mental Essentials for Bike Commuting: Friendliness and Openness (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 26, 2011)
- Mental Essentials for Bike Commuting: Risk and Trust (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 25, 2011)
- It's All in the Attitude (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 24, 2011)
- Things I Now Do on My Bike Without Having to Think About It (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 23, 2011)
- 30 Days of Biking: Week Three! (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 22, 2011)
- How to Get a Dropped Bike Chain Back On, Grease-Free (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 21, 2011)
- What to Wear for Your Bike Commute? Clothes. (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 20, 2011)
- Pretty Handy, Gloves. The Blogspedition Assumes You'll Get 'Em. (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 19, 2011)
- Falling Down on Your Bike. It Happens. To Grown-Ups. (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 18, 2011)
- I Shouldn't Assume (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 17, 2011)
- On a Roll with Katherine Widing (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 16, 2011)
- 30 Days of Biking: Week Two Report (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 15, 2011)
- Biking as Downtime and other Musings on Overproductivity (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 14, 2011)
- Thinking Like a Driver vs. Thinking Like a Bicyclist (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 13, 2011)
- More Bike Commuting Route Selection Tips: Part 3 (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 12, 2011)
- Intro to Bike Commuting: Route Selection Part 2 (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 11, 2011)
- There and Back Again: How to Pick your Bike Commute Route (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 10, 2011)
- Ride with your Community: SpokeFest Rocks! (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 9, 2011)
- 30 Days of Biking: Week One Report (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 8, 2011)
- On a Roll with Wilma Flanagan (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 7, 2011)
- Bike Commuting 101: Carrying Stuff (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 6, 2011)
- How to Bike Commute: Getting the Gear Together (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 5, 2011)
- Buying a Bike for Commuting: Some Questions and a Blogspedition (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 4, 2011)
- Preparing to Commute by Bike: Get the Worry out of the Way (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 3, 2011)
- Why We Ride/Resolve to Ride--A Blogspedition (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 2, 2011)
- 30 Days of Bike Commuting: You Can Do It! (on Bike Style Spokane Sept. 1, 2011)
- Where to Shop Bike Style in September (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 30, 2011)
- On a Roll with Rachel Scrudder (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 28, 2011)
- Bikespedition #2 Part II: Exploring SoDo Some More (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 26, 2011)
- Reality Check (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 24, 2011)
- The Quest: A Google Search Story about Bike Style (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 22, 2011)
- 25 More Posts on Bike Style Spokane (Aug. 20, 2011)
- Hassle Factor: Biking vs. Driving (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 20, 2011)
- SoDo Is So Terrific! Bikespedition #2 a Must-Shop (Part I) (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 18, 2011)
- On a Roll with Angela Brown (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 16, 2011)
- A Trunk for your Bike: Donkey Boxx Review (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 14, 2011)
- Balancing Act (on Bike Style Spokane, Aug. 11, 2011)
- Bikespedition #2 Preview: SoDo (on Bike Style Spokane, August 9, 2011)
- Summer Parkways Are Joyful (on Bike Style Spokane, August 7, 2011)
- Real People on Bikes: A Rose by any Other Name (on Bike Style Spokane, August 5, 2011)
- Wearing Real Clothes: A Radical Political Statement (on Bike Style Spokane, August 2, 2011)
- Feeling Good: Biking and Self-Image (on Bike Style Spokane, July 31, 2011)
- You're the Catalog Buyer: What Do You Like? (on Bike Style Spokane, July 27, 2011)
- Bike-Friendly Restaurants (on Bike Style Spokane, July 22, 2011)
- How Bikes Can Save the World (on Bike Style Spokane, July 19, 2011)
- Bike Style Spokane Products (on Bike Style Spokane, July 18, 2011)
- Thoughts on Shopping (on Bike Style Spokane, July 15, 2011)
- Bikespedition #1: Carnegie Square (on Bike Style Spokane, July 12, 2011)
- South Perry Street Fair Fun: Look for Bike Style (on Bike Style Spokane, July 9, 2011)
- Happy Bottom: Pedal Panties Review (on Bike Style Spokane, July 7, 2011)
- Independence and Freedom, Courtesy of the Bicycle (on Bike Style Spokane, July 4, 2011)
- Sing It Loud, Sing It Proud (July 4, 2011)
- Sweaty Betty: The Blogspedition Looks for Answers to that Special Glow (on Bike Style Spokane, July 1, 2011)
- Losing Weight (on Bike Style Spokane, June 26, 2011)
- The Sheer Joy of It (June 25, 2011)
- More Treats! More Shopping! And Panties! Bike Style Event June 29 (on Bike Style Spokane, June 21, 2011)
- Shopping for a Better World (on Bike Style Spokane, June 16, 2011)
- Women's Clothing for Biking that Doesn't Look like It's for Biking: What to Wear, What to Wear (on Bike Style Spokane, June 19, 2011)
- 16 Posts on Bike Style (June 12, 2011; a round-up on this blog of all Bike Style Spokane posts May 1-June 11, 2011)
- A Typical Week, in Outfits & Mileage (on Bike Style Spokane, June 11, 2011)
- Nice Rack, Lady! (on Bike Style Spokane, June 9, 2011)
- Time to Embark! Whither Bikespedition #1? (June 4, 2011)
- Sure Footing: The Blogspedition Goes Shoe Shopping (on Bike Style Spokane, May 28, 2011)
- SO Fun! Last Saturday's Shopping Event (on Bike Style Spokane, May 26, 2011)
- Sisterhood Rocks! (on Bike Style Spokane, May 19, 2011)
- Bike Style Spokane: New Blog, Fun Event (on Bike Style Spokane, May 17, 2011)
- The Search for the Perfect Purse: It May Just be a Bike Bag (on Bike Style Spokane, May 17, 2011)
- Political Scandal? Just Add -Gate (May 14, 2011)
- Bike Style Spokane Treats and Shopping! May 21 Event (on Bike Style Spokane May 13, 2011)
- It's Snot Pretty (on Bike Style Spokane May 11, 2011)
- Bustin' the Style Boundaries, Believe It or Not (on Bike Style Spokane May 8, 2011)
- Why We Need Each Other (Bike Style, May 6, 2011)
- Riding in Skirts: Today's Reactions (on Bike Style Spokane May 5, 2011)
- What the Heck Is a Blogspedition? (on Bike Style Spokane May 2, 2011)
- Bikespeditions (on Bike Style Spokane May 1, 2011)
- On a Roll With... (on Bike Style Spokane May 1, 2011)
- Bike Style=Active Style=Spokane Style (on Bike Style Spokane May 1, 2011)
- Stop the World, I (Don't) Want to Get Off! (April 12, 2011)
- Back in the Saddle: Why April 11 = "Day Three" of 30 Days of Biking (April 12, 2011)
- The Promise of College (April 6, 2011)
- I Should Train for This: Day Two of 30 Days of Biking (April 2, 2011)
- No Foolin'--A Different Kind of Ride for My First Day of 30 Days of Biking (April 1, 2011)
- Set Down that Heavy Load: The Things We Carry (March 29, 2011)
- Those Nice Lady Drivers (March 26, 2011)
- Losing Weight (March 21, 2011)
- Good Advice: Take It a Little Easier on Yourself, Sicko (March 15, 2011)
- Seeing with New Eyes (March 13, 2011)
- BEWARE the Facebook Comment Plug-in (March 4, 2011)
- How to Check your Facebook Privacy Settings (on LaunchPadINW.com March 3, 2011)
- How to Check your Facebook Privacy Settings (on GovLoop.com March 3, 2011)
- BEWARE the Facebook Comment Plug-in (on LaunchPadINW.com March 2, 2011)
- BEWARE the Facebook Comment Plug-in (on GovLoop.com March 2, 2011)
- Evolution, not Revolution: All Biking Motives Welcome, Part II (March 3, 2011)
- Evolution, not Revolution: All Biking Motives Welcome, Part I (March 1, 2011)
- Why on Earth Do I Write a Blog? (Feb. 26, 2011)
- If Bikes Were Electric Hand Dryers (Feb. 24, 2011)
- Hint: It's the First Word in the Boy Scout Law (No, Not Brave or Clean) (Feb. 12, 2011)
- Making Soup--er, Bike Networks (Feb. 10, 2011)
- Valentines for Complete Streets (Feb. 8, 2011)
- Head, Heart, Hands, and Health (Feb. 6, 2011)
- Political Scrapbook: Elected Officials I Have Known (Feb. 4, 2011)
- A Tale of Two Drivers (Feb. 2, 2011)
- Dear National Health Care Reform, (Jan. 31, 2011)
- Who Represents Me? The County Commissioners, That's Who (Jan. 28, 2011)
- Don't Ask Your Kids What Kind of Parent You Are. They'll Tell You. (Jan. 18, 2011)
- Everyday Inclusion: Showing up for a Parade Once a Year Isn't Enough (Jan. 17, 2011)
- What Do Women Bike Bloggers Have to Say? The Search Engine (Jan. 16, 2011)
- Awesome Bike Graphic (Jan. 15, 2011)
- If You Really Love Your Neighbor, You'll Eat Local Food (Jan. 14, 2011)
- In Search of the Perfect Pair of Pants--Shopping List Part Deux (Jan. 13, 2011)
- Five Ways Microsoft Word Teaches Buddhist Principles (Jan. 12, 2011)
- Biking Quotations (Jan. 11, 2011)
- How Procrastination Is Related to Productivity (Jan. 10, 2011)
- Representing the Aryans: Political Speech, Violence, and Living Without Fear (Jan. 9, 2011)
- Oddly Addictive Seasoned Flax Seed Crackers (Jan. 8, 2011)
- Unmindful Biking by Yours Truly (Jan. 7, 2011)
- Mindful Driving, Mindful Biking, and "Accidents"--Part II (Jan. 6, 2011)
- Mindful Driving, Mindful Biking, and Accidents"--Part I (Jan. 5, 2011)
- Adventures in Eating: Whether Vegan or Omnivore, There's a List for You (Jan. 4, 2011)
- A Monday Thought or Two (or More) (Jan. 3, 2011)
- A Life Manifesto, or, as Oprah Would Say, Live Your Best Life (Jan. 2, 2011)
- 2010 Blogging Year in Review (Jan.1, 2011)
- Not a Bucket List, Not Resolutions, Not Really (Dec. 31, 2010)
- No Rack?! Now What? (Dec. 28, 2010)
- Trends in Books, Bikes, and Real People (Dec. 18, 2010)
- Help Bike Shop Girl Ride Again (Dec. 4, 2010)
- How Bikes Can Save the World (Nov. 21, 2010)
- I'm Dreaming of a.... (cue music) (Nov. 18, 2010)
- Signs I Would Post Somewhere (Nov. 14, 2010)
- It's All in the Attitude (Nov. 10, 2010)
- Biking as Downtime and Other Musings on Overproductivity (Nov. 6, 2010)
- Autumn Wild Rice Not-a-Recipe (Nov. 3, 2010)
- Pants Management 101 (Oct. 31, 2010)
- We Stand United (Oct. 29, 2010)
- The Cemetery Club: A Really Amateur Theater Review (Oct. 21, 2010)
- Spokane Blogs: Help Build the List (Oct. 17, 2010)
- In Search of the Perfect Pair of Pants: A Shopping List (Oct. 10, 2010)
- How to Improve Family Communication: Fridge Talk (Oct. 2, 2010)
- Green Is the Color of Money: Growing a Sustainable Local Business Approach (Sept. 20, 2010)
- Women's Clothing for Biking that Doesn't Look Like It's for Biking: What to Wear, What to Wear (Sept. 13, 2010)
- A Cooking Compendium: 6 Recipes, 12 Cookbook Recommendations, and 4 Thoughts about Food in General (Aug. 25, 2010)
- Thanks for Asking: Unsolicited Advice on How to Live (Aug. 21, 2010)
- Peach Elderberry Chutney: A Farmers' Market Experiment (Aug. 18, 2010)
- The SISO Method for Life Management (Aug. 12, 2010)
- Don't Buy that Case of Stuff on Sale. I'm Serious. (Aug. 9, 2010)
- Farm to Jar: Happy Kitchen Madness (July 24, 2010)
- More than 7 Links: A Walk down Memory Lane (July 15, 2010)
- A Little Light Reading: Yes, More on Transportation....but Really about Society and Time and Happiness and Big Stuff like That (June 16, 2010)
- Real-time Reviews of Job Applicants, or, I Can Be Brutally Honest. Just Watch. (June 11, 2010)
- Getting what You Want a Different Way: Can We Create New Models? (June 9, 2010)
- A Little Light Reading: Transportation and Health, Summer Parkways, and the Density of Smart People (June 8, 2010)
- In Defense of High School Drama (June 6, 2010)
- Public Sector Communications Job Applications 101 (June 2, 2010)
- A Little Light Reading: Lots on Transit & Transportation, a Bit on Cities, and a Side of Grammar (May 31, 2010)
- I'm Part Dutch, You Know: What Do YOU Wear to Bike? (May 24, 2010)
- Ride in Silence, Ride for Safety: Spokane Joins International Ride of Silence May 19 to Draw Attention to Bicycle Safety (Cycling Spokane, May 14, 2010)
- Bike Blogging in Other Spaces: Recent Posts on Cycling Spokane (May 3, 2010)
- Cornbread and Cornbread: New England Spider Cake and Crackling Cornbread (April 30, 2010)
- Essentials for Bike Commuting III: Not What You're Expecting (April 27, 2010)
- Essentials for Bike Commuting II: Not What You're Expecting (April 24, 2010)
- Getting ready for Bike to Work Week? Picking a route & other tips (Cycling Spokane, April 24, 2010)
- Essentials for Bike Commuting I: Not What You're Expecting (April 19, 2010)
- Social Media: Drinking from the Firehose, Being the Ocean (April 13, 2010)
- Car, Bike, or Bus? Transportation Snapshots from Different Perspectives (April 10, 2010)
- Yet Another 11 Little Secrets (April 6, 2010)
- We got a lot goin’ on, Spokane! (Cycling Spokane, April 4, 2010)
- Why Should Spokane Settle for Incomplete Streets? (April 3, 2010)
- Sweeping Generalizations Are Always False, Mr. Professional Traffic Engineer (March 31, 2010)
- Not Exactly a Recipe for Potato Soup: My Vegetarian Trickery (March 29, 2010)
- Bike Blogging in Other Spaces: More Posts on Cycling Spokane (March 26, 2010)
- Finding a new wormhole: Climbing hard or climbing easy (Cycling Spokane, March 21, 2010)
- I’m all for conversation but maybe you could just shut up for a while (Cycling Spokane, March 20, 2010)
- Hassle Factor: Bike Days vs. Car Days (March 20, 2010)
- To Race, or Not to Race. That Is the Question. Whether 'tis Nobler in the Mind to Suffer the Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune.... (March 6, 2010)
- Stuff I Didn't Do Today, or, I Know what Happiness Tastes Like (Feb. 27, 2010)
- I'll Get a Rise out of You: Bread-baking Meditation (Jan. 31, 2010)
- Thank You for the Gift of Friendship: Goodbye, Christianne (Jan. 28, 2010)
- Have you ever considered adoption? An idea for bike lane maintenance (Cycling Spokane, Jan. 20, 2010)
- Rage, Rage against the Dying of the Light: Phrases not to Use in my Obituary (Jan. 17, 2010)
- Recipe Time: Interpretation of a Kinda Chunky Tomato/Red Bell Pepper/Black Bean Soup (Jan. 9, 2010)
- Raised by Wolves, or Free Range Kids? Either Way, they Learn and Live. At Least so Far. (Jan. 6, 2010)
- Oh, Those Crazy Memories of Childhood: Throwing Up (Jan. 5, 2010)
- What would it look like if we all really shared the streets? (Cycling Spokane, Jan. 2, 2010)
- Eating Shoots and Leaves: Real Food, not Bad Grammar (Dec. 31, 2009)
- Bike Blogging in Other Spaces: Some of My Posts on Cycling Spokane (Dec. 29, 2009)
- Baby It's Cold Outside! Fish Lake Trail Dec. 27, 2009 (Cycling Spokane, Dec. 27, 2009)
- It's All a Blur: Things I Remember about Christmas (Dec. 24, 2009)
- Complete Streets for Spokane? (Cycling Spokane, Dec. 19, 2009)
- Frankly, My Dear: I Believed it when Rhett Said It, but Never Again (Dec. 17, 2009)
- A Talent for Stating the Obvious (Dec. 14, 2009)
- Hint: It’s the first word in the Boy Scout law (no, not brave or clean) (Cycling Spokane, Dec. 1, 2009)
- You'll Save Us, Won't You? My Kids the Idealists (Nov. 29, 2009)
- Friday the 13th, or, Why Some People Need to Lose a Driver's License (Nov. 13, 2009)
- Bicycling Rites of Passage, Spokane Style (Nov. 2, 2009)
- My Reasons to Vote NO on Spokane's Prop 4: A Really Long Political Discourse, Possibly Verging on a Diatribe, Running into a Rant (Oct. 11, 2009)
- 3 Things My Mother Taught Me (Sept. 13, 2009)
- Where Have You BEEN, Anyway? It's Been Far Too Long (Sept. 6, 2009)
- What IS It with the Body Spray, Already? Smells Like a Lot More than Teen Spirit (March 28, 2009)
- Ways the World Wide Web Allows Me to Procrastinate. Food for Thought, but You Should Do Something Productive Instead of Reading This (March 17, 2009)
- Becoming a Woman, and Boys Boys Boys: More Time with Younger Daughter (March 6, 2009)
- Getting to Know My 14-year-old--or Trying. Very Trying. (Feb. 27, 2009)
- Becoming a Bike Commuter: It's Pretty Easy, One Mile at a Time (Feb. 22, 2009)
- Fun with Numbers. No, Really, I Mean It. (Feb. 7, 2009)
- 25 Random Things About Me, in Random Order (Feb. 4, 2009)
- For Someone Who's Supposed to Be So Smart.... Ways in which I Am Stupid (Jan. 31, 2009)
- Random Games with Words: What Do You Expect from a Linguistics Major? (Jan. 25, 2009)
- Thank You for the Belly Laughs, Marie Osmond (Jan. 17, 2009)
- Family Labels: Fifth Chinese Daughter, Uninteresting Middle Daughter, Favorite Second Daughter (Jan. 14, 2009)
- Tweeting, Twittering, Friending, Following: My Connection Policies & Practices (Jan. 11, 2009)
- Useful Super Hero Traits: I Am Sleeper Girl (Jan. 9, 2009)
- ADD on the Interwebz: Where My Blog Posts Come From (Jan. 7, 2009)
- Grown-ups Versus the Little Kids: A Great Day in the Snow (Jan. 4, 2009)
- Overdoing: The 7-Course Meal Approach to Life (Jan. 1, 2009)
- The Zen of Fingernails: Giving up Attachment (Dec. 28, 2008)
- Fun with Slogans: Deathless(?) Prose for Chests and Bumpers (Dec. 22, 2008)
- Snow Day (Dec. 18, 2008)
- Sweetie and the Poo Rock (Dec. 7, 2008)
- By Popular Demand: Recipe for Spicy Fries (Nov. 28, 2008)
- Thanksgiving Is an Act, Not a Menu (Nov. 27, 2008)
- Kate-isms: Life with a Teenage Girl who Thinks Fast and Talks even Faster (Nov. 20, 2008)
- Married Name(s) (Nov. 20, 2008)
- Five Things You Don't Know about Me (Nov. 16, 2008)
- Bike Blogging Round-up (Nov. 10, 2008)
- Getting Older, or, It's Not Fair but Nobody Said it Would Be (Nov. 7, 2008)
- Seriously Good Oatmeal Cookie Recipe (Nov. 5, 2008)
- I Miss Live Voting (Nov. 3, 2008)
- Mom Frmrnyis (Oct. 31, 2008)
- Standing Up for What's Right (Oct. 18, 2008)
- Judgment (Oct. 17, 2008)
- Kate and the Tomato Soup Incident (Oct. 6, 2008)
- Christmas Tree Bills: Good or Bad? (Oct. 5, 2008)
- Being Sick (Sept. 28, 2008)
- The Future for Our Parks (Sept. 21, 2008)
- Yogavangelist (Sept. 18, 2008)
- Friend Spaces (Sept. 13, 2008)
- Bad Bikes! Bad! (Sept. 7, 2008)
- Confession Time (Sept. 6, 2008)
- The Chronology of Your Life (Sept. 3, 2008)
- How Much Oil Do We Burn? (Aug. 31, 2008)
- Technorati, But Why? (Aug. 28, 2008)
- This Blog Is Semi-random, at Least for Starters (Aug. 17, 2008)