
Reruns: January Posts Worth Revisiting

Just as I close out a calendar year with a review of the past 12 months, some Januarys I begin with a scan of what lies ahead. I don't make formal resolutions, necessarily, but I might set an intention. 

The word "intention" has its roots in "tendere", to stretch, with the prefix "in" to mean toward. A stretching toward—intention as something active, not passive. I learned the Sanskrit word sankalpa from a yoga nidra practice I use on those rare nights when I find it hard to fall asleep. San means “to become one with” and kalpa means “time” and “subconscious mind.” 

Not all of my January posts involve stretching toward something or becoming one with time and my subconscious mind, but a few do. Others involve me taking on someone else's idea of January as a good time to put out a listicle.

These are generally listed in reverse chronological order. Where I wrote more than one piece and they flow together logically, I've listed them here in the reading order you would have encountered if you subscribed to posts here or on my Bike Style blog.

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