Over the years I've made more than my share of mistakes (although who decides how big my share is, anyway? I need to speak with this person ASAP). I hope to practice mindfulness and non-attachment at least part of the time.
Non-attachment doesn't mean not caring about things, however. I care passionately about things that have to do with treating each other and the planet far more humanely than we have thus far in our history. Here's the smorgasbord.
- January Delights (Jan. 31, 2025)
- 2024 in Review: Blogging and a Bit More (Dec. 31, 2024)
- Winter Solstice 2024 (Dec. 21, 2024)
- Thanks + Giving (Nov. 29, 2024)
- Bike/Life Lessons Learned (Bike Style, May 25, 2024)
- A Thrilling Night (Bike Style, March 17, 2024)
- Slow Down (Jan. 12, 2024)
- What I Stand For (Dec. 15, 2023)
- The Quotidian: Poems Celebrating the Everyday, the Ordinary (Dec. 2, 2023)
- It Beats the Alternative: Poems on Growing Older (Oct. 28, 2023)
- Walking in October: Of Travel and Timers (Oct. 24, 2023)
- Walking in September: Of Berries and Bunnies (Sept. 30, 2023)
- Setting My Own Pace (Bike Style, Aug. 18, 2023)
- Walking in July: Of Findings and Feathers (July 15, 2023)
- Why I Walk (July 8, 2023)
- Walking in June: Of Habits and Herons (June 30, 2023)
- Riding Thoughts: Privilege Is a Tailwind (Bike Style, June 19, 2023)
- Walking in May: Of Downtowns and Dancing (May 27, 2023)
- Walking in April: Of Multimodal Miles and Museums (April 16, 2023)
- Walking in March: Of Woods and Work (March 15, 2023)
- Walking in February: Of Woods and Water (Feb. 25, 2023)
- Walking in January: Of Gloves and Poetry (Jan. 31, 2023)
- Commitment, Bite-Sized and Tasty (Dec. 26, 2022)
- Winter Solstice Readings (Dec. 21, 2022)
- Broken Wrist, Dang It! No Riding for a While (Bike Style, Sept. 24, 2022)
- Counting up the Years (May 1, 2022)
- Walking a Path (Dec. 28, 2021)
- Lost Year. Lost Future? (July 17, 2021)
- How to End One Year and Begin Another (Dec. 23, 2019)
- Digital Housework (Sept. 14, 2019)
- More or Less (Dec. 30, 2018)
- Give Your Power to Truth: What Story Are You Writing for Your Life? (Bike Style, Nov. 10, 2018)
- Why 30 Days of Biking? (Or More) (Bike Style Life, April 1, 2018)
- Keeping Another Streak Going: #30DaysOfYoga (Mar. 20, 2018)
- Keep that Streak Going: #30DaysOf Something that Matters to You (Mar. 18, 2018)
- Oh So Challenging: 'Tis the Season to Track Your Riding (Bike Style Life, Mar. 18, 2018)
- Kindness Matters (Jan. 1, 2018)
- I Came to a Fork in the Road (Bike Style Life, March 12, 2017)
- Changing Again (Dec. 30, 2015)
- "Click" on Personal Safety and Privilege (Dec. 2015)
- Personal Safety and Privilege: A Vignette (Bike Style Dec. 5, 2015)
- Giving Thanks for Bicycles (Washington Bikes Nov. 23, 2014)
- A Little Kindness (Washington Bikes Nov. 13, 2014)
- Inclusion (Washington Bikes Sept. 15, 2014)
- How I Came to Be a Bike Advocate (Sept. 15, 2014)
- We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident: There Is No "Right" to Speedy Travel (Washington Bikes Sept. 2, 2014)
- When I Get Older: Why I'm Counting on a Multimodal System (Washington Bikes July 28, 2014)
- How Long Does It Take to Ride Your Bike? It's All in the Attitude (Washington Bikes July 25, 2014)
- Biking as Downtime: Musings on Overproductivity (Washington Bikes July 18, 2014)
- Personal Privilege and Biking: It Takes More than a Bike Lane to Start Riding (Washington Bikes (June 2, 2014)
- Goodbye, Mom (May 19, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 22: Habits (Washington Bikes April 22, 2014)
- 30 Days of Biking, Day 20: Purpose (Washington Bikes April 20, 2014)
- Zen and the Art of Bicycle Riding (Bike Style Jan. 11, 2014)
- One Word for 2014: Purpose (Washington Bikes Jan. 1, 2014)
- One Word for 2014 Bicycling (Bike Style Jan. 1, 2014)
- One Word for 2014 (Jan. 1, 2014)
- The Words You Speak (Nov. 13, 2013)
- What Biking Gives Me (Bike Style July 17, 2013)
- Three Women, Three Interactions on the Road (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington June 14, 2014)
- I Suppose It Takes All Kinds: Musings on Human Behavior (Bike Style June 9, 2013)
- Looking Back, Looking Ahead (on Bike Style Jan. 13, 2013)
- Riding Around Washington: Share Your Passion! (on Bicycle Alliance of Washington Dec. 19, 2012)
- Parenting Up, Parenting Down, Parenting Across (Nov. 25, 2012)
- Personal Advantages and Bicycling: How I Really Started Riding (on Bike Style Oct. 21, 2012)
- Who's Keeping Track? Not Me (on Bike Style Aug. 27, 2012)
- Your "Right" to Speedy Travel Doesn't Exist (on Bike Style Aug. 7, 2012)
- I Am Woman. I Bike. I Am Strong. (on Bike Style July 19, 2012)
- A Small Moment (on Bike Style July 12, 2012)
- Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes (July 3, 2012)
- 30 Days of Biking: Why Week 1 Doesn't Have 7 Days of Riding in It, and why that's OK (on Bike Style Spokane April 8, 2012)
- The Mindful Biking Series (Mar. 17, 2012)
- Why Marriage Matters: A Valentine to my Sweetheart and a Thank-You to the Washington Legislature and Governor Gregoire (Feb. 14, 2012)
- Paying It Forward: Why I Vote YES for Kids and Schools (Jan. 29, 2012)
- Who Are We Trying to Kid? (Dec. 22, 2011)
- Where Is My Jet Pack?! (Nov. 29, 2011)
- Being Thankful (Mindful) Every Day (Nov. 24, 2011)
- Frittering Away My Mental Energies, Thanks--How About You? (Oct. 24, 2011)
- Sing it Loud, Sing it Proud (July 4, 2011)
- The Sheer Joy of It (June 25, 2011)
- Stop the World, I (Don't) Want to Get Off! (April 12, 2011)
- Set Down that Heavy Load: The Things We Carry (March 29, 2011)
- Losing Weight (March 21, 2011)
- Good Advice: Take It a Little Easier on Yourself, Sicko (March 15, 2011)
- Seeing with New Eyes (March 13, 2011)
- Hint: It's the First Word in the Boy Scout Law (No, Not Brave or Clean) (Feb. 12, 2011)
- Head, Heart, Hands, and Health (Feb. 6, 2011)
- Don't Ask Your Kids What Kind of Parent You Are. They'll Tell You. (Jan. 18, 2011)
- Everyday Inclusion: Showing up for a Parade Once a Year Isn't Enough (Jan. 17, 2011)
- Five Ways Microsoft Word Teaches Buddhist Principles (Jan. 12, 2011)
- How Procrastination Is Related to Productivity (Jan. 10, 2011)
- Representing the Aryans: Political Speech, Violence, and Living Without Fear (Jan. 9, 2011)
- Unmindful Biking by Yours Truly (Jan. 7, 2011)
- Mindful Driving, Mindful Biking, and "Accidents"--Part II (Jan. 6, 2011)
- Mindful Driving, Mindful Biking, and Accidents"--Part I (Jan. 5, 2011)
- A Monday Thought or Two (or More) (Jan. 3, 2011)
- A Life Manifesto, or, as Oprah Would Say, Live Your Best Life (Jan. 2, 2011)
- Not a Bucket List, Not Resolutions, Not Really (Dec. 31, 2010)
- How Bikes Can Save the World (Nov. 21, 2010)
- It's All in the Attitude (Nov. 10, 2010)
- Biking as Downtime and Other Musings on Overproductivity (Nov. 6, 2010)
- We Stand United (Oct. 29, 2010)
- How to Improve Family Communication: Fridge Talk (Oct. 2, 2010)
- Thanks for Asking: Unsolicited Advice on How to Live (Aug. 21, 2010)
- The SISO Method for Life Management (Aug. 12, 2010)
- Don't Buy that Case of Stuff on Sale. I'm Serious. (Aug. 9, 2010)
- Farm to Jar: Happy Kitchen Madness (July 24, 2010)
- More than 7 Links: A Walk down Memory Lane (July 15, 2010)
- A Little Light Reading: Yes, More on Transportation....but Really about Society and Time and Happiness and Big Stuff like That (June 16, 2010)
- Getting what You Want a Different Way: Can We Create New Models? (June 9, 2010)
- In Defense of High School Drama (June 6, 2010)
- Essentials for Bike Commuting III: Not What You're Expecting (April 27, 2010)
- Essentials for Bike Commuting II: Not What You're Expecting (April 24, 2010)
- Essentials for Bike Commuting I: Not What You're Expecting (April 19, 2010)
- Social Media: Drinking from the Firehose, Being the Ocean (April 13, 2010)
- Yet Another 11 Little Secrets (April 6, 2010)
- To Race, or Not to Race. That Is the Question. Whether 'tis Nobler in the Mind to Suffer the Slings and Arrows of Outrageous Fortune.... (March 6, 2010)
- Stuff I Didn't Do Today, or, I Know what Happiness Tastes Like (Feb. 27, 2010)
- I'll Get a Rise out of You: Bread-baking Meditation (Jan. 31, 2010)
- Thank You for the Gift of Friendship: Goodbye, Christianne (Jan. 28, 2010)
- Rage, Rage against the Dying of the Light: Phrases not to Use in my Obituary (Jan. 17, 2010)
- Raised by Wolves, or Free Range Kids? Either Way, they Learn and Live. At Least so Far. (Jan. 6, 2010)
- Eating Shoots and Leaves: Real Food, not Bad Grammar (Dec. 31, 2009)
- It's All a Blur: Things I Remember about Christmas (Dec. 24, 2009)
- Frankly, My Dear: I Believed it when Rhett Said It, but Never Again (Dec. 17, 2009)
- A Talent for Stating the Obvious (Dec. 14, 2009)
- You'll Save Us, Won't You? My Kids the Idealists (Nov. 29, 2009)
- Friday the 13th, or, Why Some People Need to Lose a Driver's License (Nov. 13, 2009)
- Bicycling Rites of Passage, Spokane Style (Nov. 2, 2009)
- 3 Things My Mother Taught Me (Sept. 13, 2009)
- Where Have You BEEN, Anyway? It's Been Far Too Long (Sept. 6, 2009)
- Ways the World Wide Web Allows Me to Procrastinate. Food for Thought, but You Should Do Something Productive Instead of Reading This (March 17, 2009)
- 25 Random Things About Me, in Random Order (Feb. 4, 2009)
- For Someone Who's Supposed to Be So Smart.... Ways in which I Am Stupid (Jan. 31, 2009)
- Random Games with Words: What Do You Expect from a Linguistics Major? (Jan. 25, 2009)
- Thank You for the Belly Laughs, Marie Osmond (Jan. 17, 2009)
- ADD on the Interwebz: Where My Blog Posts Come From (Jan. 7, 2009)
- Overdoing: The 7-Course Meal Approach to Life (Jan. 1, 2009)
- The Zen of Fingernails: Giving up Attachment (Dec. 28, 2008)
- Fun with Slogans: Deathless(?) Prose for Chests and Bumpers (Dec. 22, 2008)
- Thanksgiving Is an Act, Not a Menu (Nov. 27, 2008)
- Five Things You Don't Know about Me (Nov. 16, 2008)
- Getting Older, or, It's Not Fair but Nobody Said it Would Be (Nov. 7, 2008)
- I Miss Live Voting (Nov. 3, 2008)
- Mom Frmrnyis (Oct. 31, 2008)
- Standing Up for What's Right (Oct. 18, 2008)
- Being Sick (Sept. 28, 2008)
- Yogavangelist (Sept. 18, 2008)
- Friend Spaces (Sept. 13, 2008)
- The Chronology of Your Life (Sept. 3, 2008)